
Scabies - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Scabies - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Crying baby

It is an infectious skin disease caused by mites (Sarcoptes scabiei). Infection occurs through direct contact with the patient or through clothing and bed linen.


Symptoms and course scabies

A severely itchy rash located mainly in the interdigital spaces, wrists, elbows, ankles, buttocks, navel, groin, genitals, nipples and arm pits. In infants, the appearance of lesions on the soles of the feet is very typical.

The lesions are of the type of blisters or papules, vesicles, with characteristic burrows. The itching occurs most often at night, after the baby has warmed up in bed. Severe itching causes intense scratching, which can lead to bacterial superinfection and worsening of the skin condition with inadequate hygiene.

The skin lesions need to be differentiated from allergic dermatitis, chickenpox, skin lesions in the course of viral diseases or after medication.

When to go to the doctor and treat scabies

You will notice inflammatory lesions on your child's skin, especially on the hands and between the fingers, which itch and cause scratching mainly after going to bed.

Treatment scabies

Should not be used. Scabies is a highly infectious disease and should always be treated with the appropriate remedies, available only by prescription.