Wisdom teeth generate a lot of problems, both before and after their extraction. It is not uncommon for people who have had their wisdom teeth extracted to complain of various discomforts and also to...
Surgical removal of the eights - the first association is pain and fear. When is the procedure necessary to be carried out? Does the removal of an eight have to be painful?
Theremoval of wisdom teeth (commonly referred to as eights) is one of the most common dental procedures, yet many patients are very apprehensive about this procedure. Fear of this procedure stems,...
The extraction of a tooth is associated with a significant loss of bone, due to prior cutting of the gum. The healing process of the tissues in such a case takes a long time, moreover, the gum and...
Bone reconstruction and the use of bone-replacement materials in the defect area, as well as guided tissue regeneration, are some of the most important therapeutic methods currently used in...
The use of antibiotic therapy in dentistry is a common and not uncommon phenomenon. It is a means of treatment when dealing with bacterial infections to counteract its spread to other distant organs....
Zygoma are the largest and most common group of tumours. The aetiopathogenesis of this phenomenon is not fully understood today, but it is assumed that the cause of their formation is abnormalities...
Alveolarfibromas are extremely rare tumours. They are benign tumours made up of apparently inactive dentigerous epithelial tissue.
Glaucomas are a broad group of tumours that pose many problems for clinicians, both in terms of nomenclature and in terms of their course and nature. Squamous cell carcinomas are a group containing...
For many patients, the name hemisection in dentistry is unfamiliar, as they do not know what this procedure consists of or when it is performed. It is a procedure whose aim is to remove the root or...
Facial nerve VII (nervus facialis) - innervates all the facial muscles, and for a certain section runs together with the intermediate nerve, which guides the secretory and gustatory fibres. The...
Tooth abscess is treated in patients of all ages (children, adults and the elderly alike).
Trigeminal neuralgia is known as facial dura. The disease manifests itself with violent pains that are unbearable. The aetiology of primary palsy is not definitively explained. It is currently...
Ulceration (Latin ulceratio) - a defect in the skin or mucous membrane that occurs following tissue breakdown and is caused by a chronic extrinsic or intrinsic stimulus. The aetiology of ulcer...
In the event of any damage to a tooth or teeth, which can happen to us every day, it is essential to see a dentist as soon as possible. In most cases it is possible to save a broken tooth, there are...
Facial pain is not necessarily due to inflammation of the tooth pulp or periapical tissues. Other diseases that manifest themselves in pain are: temporomandibular joint disorders, sinusitis,...
The indication for anaesthesia is any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure in which soreness is anticipated.
TMJ, is defined as the inability to, open the mouth. It is caused by a sudden, reflex contraction of the muscles responsible for lifting the jaw.
Most people say they go to the dentist to have a tooth pulled, however, this is a colloquial term, the correct term is tooth extraction or tooth removal. Tooth extra ction is not always a simple and...