A low histamine diet, used for histamine intolerance, involves eliminating foods rich in histamine and those that stimulate histamine production. Histamine is metabolised by the enzymes DAO and HNMT....
Studies conducted on allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines suggest that their occurrence is extremely rare and even people with food or drug allergies can safely receive the vaccine.
Research into the human microbiota and its impact on the functioning of the human body is currently booming. The gut microbiota, the microorganisms of the gastrointestinal tract, forms a complex...
Cetirizine Genoptim SPH, a drug containing cetirizine, was withdrawn from the market on 8 October 2018 by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector.
Red spots on the skin, itching, soreness - the first thought - allergy ! But does the appearance of a rash always mean allergy?
Desensitisation is the colloquial medical term for specific immunotherapy, a method based not only on avoiding allergens, but above all on treating allergies. What is desensitisation, when is it...
The basic way to relieve allergic symptoms in contact allergy patients is simply to avoid the substance that causes the discomfort. However, what can be done once the patient has developed contact...
Contact allergy is a problem in which allergic lesions occur due to direct contact with an allergen. In different people, the condition is triggered by separate factors - some patients experience...
Eczema and related skin lesions in two different people may look similar, while in reality these problems may be caused by completely different pathomechanisms. Some of the most common types of...
Did it happen to you that after removing a ring or pendant, dark marks appeared on your skin where the jewellery meets your skin? What is the reason for this? Is it an allergy?
As the prevalence of contact allergy in children is, unfortunately, steadily increasing, many scientists are interested in the causes of this pathology. Contact allergy in general still remains a...
Atopic dermatitis, urticaria and several other entities have one thing in common: allergic reactions are involved. However, each of these problems has different causes, as well as different symptoms....
People suffering from allergic contact dermatitis(ACD) caused by nickel can finally breathe a sigh of relief! A specific product has appeared on the pharmaceutical and cosmetic market, whose...
Both the diagnosis and the treatment of contact allergy pose quite a challenge for physicians. To date, therapeutic options have mainly involved extensive prophylaxis. Difficulties in the treatment...
Contact ur ticaria manifests itself through characteristic skin lesions, but not only - it is also possible for the patient to struggle with respiratory or gastrointestinal complaints. Contact with a...
Skin allergies are a problem that occurs in an increasing number of patients. It is for this reason that the subject receives quite a lot of attention. As is usually the case, in discussions about...
Have you noticed rough skin on your hands after using detergents? It is possible that your body is giving you a signal - you are allergic! Dry, rough skin on your hands may be one of the symptoms...
Contact allergies - especially if the patient is sensitised to a widespread antigen - can make everyday life considerably more difficult. However, there are a few tips for people with contact...
One of the substances most frequently causing contact allergies is nickel. Patients who develop such an allergy do not have it easy - the metal is quite widespread in our environment. But what causes...
Contact allergy is mainly associated with nickel, as this metal is one of the most common contact allergens. The truth is, however, that specific sensitisation can occur after contact with many...