The festive season can be a real treat for children: after all, children's attractions can be found at various markets and shopping malls. It is not uncommon for children to have the opportunity to...
Winter has arrived and your child has started complaining about a lack of energy? Is he depressed and doesn't want to go to school? Beware, these could be signs of seasonal depression.
"Every day in Poland at least six adolescents make a suicide attempt", these are the words with which the latest report "Understand to prevent 2024" begins, describing the scale of suicidal behaviour...
Anxiety disorders are some of the most common co-occurring disorders in children on the autism spectrum. The symptoms of both disorders intersect. To be able to better address the needs of children...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Europe today published the second volume of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey, which focuses on patterns of bullying...
In recent decades there has been a rapid increase in the demand for psychological help for children. A visit to a child psychologist can cause anxiety, so it is worth preparing both yourself and your...
Is there a way for a parent to feel less anxious about their child's surgery? If so, how can this be achieved and why is it so important?
Can a child who has celiac disease have ADHD? If so, how can the symptoms be distinguished and is there really a scientific link between the two?
Can traumatic childhood events leave a mark on a person's entire life? This thesis has been widely known for years, but there was little practical evidence. Today, scientists are making it clear -...
The conflict in Ukraine has shown us that it is not only adults who go through the hell of war in an emotional way. So how should we inform our children about what is happening across our eastern...
Behaviouraldisorders are one of the most common problems faced by school-age children and their families. It is extremely important to observe the child, to listen carefully to the child himself as...
ADHD is an entity that is associated with attention deficits or hyperactivity - it might seem like a rather trivial problem, but in fact it is definitely not. Parents of children with ADHD often seek...
In view of the current situation, linked to the epidemic threat in the country, learning takes place at home by means of electronic communication, by decree of the Minister of Education. However,...
A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD, abbreviated to autism spectrum disorder) is usually only made when children are a few years old, around 5-6 years old, or even later. In the case of...
ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition considered chronic in which the predominant symptoms are related to the cognitive sphere of functioning. They concern the triad:...
Eating disorders are more common in the summer. It is also the time of year when relapses are more common. What should be a warning sign? What should parents and doctors pay attention to?
Since 1980, more and more cases of allergies, asthma, ADHD and autism have been registered among children. Some statistics report a 50% increase in these disorders over the last 20 years. More and...
Streptococcus bacteria are mainly known for their ability to cause pharyngitis. However, the range of phenomena that an infection with these pathogens can lead to is much broader. The streptococcus...
Children test their parents' reactions to certain behaviours every day. Importantly, they also test their resilience in this way. Unfortunately, with children it is the case that they pay attention...
Asperger's syndrome (AS) is a syndrome of holistic developmental disorders that is often not diagnosed early. This is caused by apparently normal speech development, which puts those around them to...
In society, suicide is quite a problem among children and adolescents. Unfortunately, there is a steady increase in suicide among young people.
Does narcissism result from overconfidence that has been ingrained in the child? Is narcissism "born at home" or is there really a narcissistic soul in each of us that can be awakened by external...