Dental caries is the most common oral disease. It is caused, among other things, by poor or absent oral hygiene and an unsuitable diet. How can children be protected against it?
Is your child struggling with tooth decay? You may want to consider dental lapis, which is a method to help stop cavities developing in deciduous teeth.
A child's teeth should be cared for from the first days of life. Not only regular oral hygiene is important, but also the diet - products rich in sugar should be avoided. So what should we feed the...
The typical complaints that can accompany teething include fever. However, this relationship is not as obvious as it might seem - during teething the baby should have, if anything, a rather slightly...
The soother is very controversial: some people start with it when putting together their baby's layette, others never even consider buying one. It raises quite a few issues in disputes over possible...
The primordia of deciduous teeth already appear between the 2nd and 4th month of pregnancy and their mineralisation depends on the correct nutrition of the pregnant woman. The correct oral hygiene of...
Up to around 40 per cent of American children aged three to six years use dangerously large amounts of toothpaste, according to a study conducted in the US by the government's Centers for Disease...
Oral hygiene is an essential prevention of all dental problems. The role of the parent in the daily care of the child's teeth is very important, as it determines whether the child's teeth will be...
Every mother looks forward to her first tooth. For some children it appears sooner, for others later - this is not usually a cause for concern. What can be done, however, when the teething baby is...
Maintaining good oral hygiene in the child is part of good parental care. It is therefore important to educate pregnant women in this area, who will be responsible for the child's proper development...
Angelosis, or cherubism, is a genetic condition involving bilateral cystic lesions of the jawbone with characteristic swelling of the cheeks and lymph nodes and drooping of the lower eyelids. It is...
Excessively high doses of local anaesthetics in children can lead to abnormalities in the development of their teeth.
In many cases, a child's emerging and growing baby teeth cause parents a lot of trouble. In most cases, our children do not want to brush their teeth and go to the dentist regularly (which usually...
Aphthous ulcers are a fairly common ailment in children. They most often occur when your child has a weakened immune system, for example after a viral or bacterial infection. What are the causes of...
Many parents assume that children's milk teeth do not need to be looked after because they will fall out anyway. This is a very wrong approach because the child's first teeth also need to be cared...
Observations of pre-school and school children have shown that around 90% of children have problems with tooth decay and inflammation of the gums. The prevention of this condition is linked to a...
The media and dentists are calling for children's teeth to be looked after right from the start and for them to have regular dental appointments. Many parents do not go to the dentist, because they...
In many discussions with parents, one can learn that the teeth of very young children and those in kindergarten do not need to be looked after, as they are so-called "millipedes", which will fall out...
Many parents, ask dentists, why do their children's teeth break down?
A cleft lip and palate is an affliction defined as a small gap/gap that results from the improper fusion or non-fusion of the structures responsible for the formation of the lip (we then refer to a...