Anxiety disorders may be accompanied by various body symptoms, such as headaches, abdominal pain and hand tremors. Some people experience a feeling of having a foreign body, known as a "gula", in the...
A chronic sore throat can affect the quality of sleep, daily functioning, general wellbeing and raise health concerns. Although sore throats are quite common and usually go away on their own,...
Can quitting smoking help treat laryngeal cancer? The research is conclusive! Let's find out.
A sore throat in many cases heralds the onset of an illness. It could be a simple cold that the patient will quickly forget about, or it could be a harbinger of a completely different condition that...
Is the decision to undergo ENT surgery equally problematic for every patient? Researchers from the United States have learned the answer to this question.
Contrary to appearances, so-called snoring is not just a defect that is a nuisance to our surroundings, but can also indicate serious health problems. To begin with, it must be explained that it is a...
In Poland, hundreds of thousands of patients face cancer every year. On social media or television, one can see information on prevention against many cancers, including breast, testicular and...
COVID-19 has very different symptoms - just as the infection was initially characterised primarily by a loss of taste and smell, it is now perfectly clear that completely different complaints can...
Just as grunting is a natural reflex, when a person does it very often, it can already be a sign of some disease. Allergic patients, people with gastro-oesophageal reflux, but also patients taking...
Sorethroat and earache are common complaints and can occur with COVID-19 infection. However, they are not always a cause for concern. Sore throat and ear ache are usually a symptom of a minor cold....
Angina can become the bane of a holiday trip. Group A beta haemolytic streptococci, which cause tonsillitis, multiply under favourable conditions whatever the season.
Infectious mononucleosis is a disease that manifests itself in many different ways, from a severe sore throat to swollen tonsils, an enlarged spleen and a feeling of general fatigue. Because of the...
Swelling of the tonsils is a common problem that can occur in the course of very different conditions. Infections are the most common cause, but swollen tonsils can also occur in the course of...
Polish scientists have designed an innovative device with which it is possible to record the work of the vocal folds in modern slow motion technology. Thanks to its use, it will be possible to detect...
Mononucleosis is one of the infectious diseases that affect humans. Mononucleosis usually does not result in serious complications, but on the other hand, the symptoms of mononucleosis can be really...
The tonsils are called clusters of lymphoid tissue located at the border of the airway and digestive tract parts. They form a characteristic structure called the "Waldeyer's ring". It consists of the...
Many people face the problem of halitosis - bad breath - throughout their lives, but few look for the causes of its formation, which may be pathologies in the digestive or respiratory tract. It is...
Coronaviruses were first described in the 1960s. They caused few clinical symptoms, hence there was relatively little interest in this group of viruses. However, the situation changed when the...
Coronaviruses were first described in the 1960s. They caused few clinical symptoms, hence there was relatively little interest in this group of viruses. However, the situation changed when the...
Acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis, manifested by pain, is an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, often with involvement of the lymphatic tissue of the throat. Its aetiology depends largely on age,...
The cold season is in full swing, so it is worth taking care of immunity not only in yourself, but especially in children, who are particularly vulnerable to viruses and infections. The immune system...