This article discusses cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in children in detail. The various clinical forms of the infection and the principles of diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of CMV infection...
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs in children and adolescents under 16 years of age. JIA is characterised by chronic inflammation of one or more joints,...
13 useful facts every woman should know after giving birth that you can't always read in advice books
Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease that also affects children. It destroys the cells that produce insulin, which is necessary to regulate blood sugar levels. Symptoms of type I diabetes in a...
This article provides basic information on Krabbe disease.
Joint pain in children is a cause of much worry for parents, but is also a symptom of many diseases, not only of osteoarticular origin. Joint pain in children is so problematic for the young person...
Inflammatory bowel diseases are characterised by chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, causing numerous symptoms and complications. The impact of physical activity on the course of...
Three-day fever, also known as erythema urgency or so-called sixth disease, is a mild infectious disease of early childhood. It is caused by infection with a virus from the herpesvirus group...
A peripheral blood count, simply called a morphology for short, is a test to find out the state of the blood cells. It consists of three parts. The first part tells us about the white blood cells,...
Does your child suffer from recurrent cramps, abdominal pain, bloating or have digestive problems? Chronic abdominal pain in children can have various causes.
Asthma, being one of the diseases of civilisation, causes inflammation and irritation of the airways. As it turns out, several types of it are mentioned at the moment. Which are they? We encourage...
The RSV virus has been heard about much more frequently in recent months than in the past. The record number of cases of the virus, which particularly threatens children under the age of five, has...
Is your child coughing? Often, inhalation is a good way to support the healing process. It is important to note, however, that you should always contact your GP as he or she is familiar with the...
Every year, the autumn-winter period is full of respiratory infections in children. During this season, you may notice an increased number of infections that keep many parents and their children...
Constipation is a fairly common complaint in children. During constipation, your child may experience abdominal pain, be irritable or lack energy. What to do then?
Epileptic syndromes are the most common variants of epilepsy and their classification is based on differences in the diagnosis of the cause that triggered the condition. Epilepsy can occur at any age.
DravetSyndrome (DS) is classified as a very rare genetic condition. It was first described in the literature in the 1970s. What are the symptoms of the disease and prognosis?
Headaches in children are one of the most common complaints in this age group. Most often, fortunately, they are not caused by a serious illness and pass quickly, but sometimes they are a symptom of...
More and more doctors around the world are sounding the alarm that they are diagnosing hepatitis of unknown aetiology in the youngest children. Several cases have also been diagnosed in Poland. Is...
PIMS - a dangerous, pocovid syndrome occurring in children who have undergone coronavirus. What symptoms to look out for? When to go for help? Why can PIMS be dangerous?
COVID-19 is a new disease entity that is still not fully understood. After numerous infections among adults, more and more cases are being reported among children, including the youngest.
Unfortunately, newborn babies and infants fall ill relatively often, mainly due to the immaturity of their immune system. Parents - especially when it is their first baby - often do not know what to...