Our feet are the most vulnerable place on our body to fungal infections, statistically one in five Poles has had, has or will have to deal with it in their lifetime. However, the public's knowledge...
Nailfungus is an unpleasant condition that is relatively easy to contract. The process of treating onychomycosis is lengthy, and can take up to several months - hence regularity in the use of...
Skin and mucous membrane mycoses are diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. As the human body is equipped with many protective barriers against infection, they do not occur very often. It is only when...
Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, affects up to ten per cent of the population. The disease is relatively easy to contract, which is why more and more people are contracting the condition.
Mycoses are one of the most common reasons for patients to visit dermatology specialists. This is due, for example, to the large number of these microorganisms that are able to cause illness in...
This article briefly discusses the forms of infectious vulvar diseases, their division, clinical manifestations, aetiopathogenesis and treatment.
It appears suddenly and initially poses no major problems. Nail fungus - caused by fungi and yeasts attacks many Poles. Untreated, however, it can lead to dangerous complications!
Ringworm is a disease that we can contract anywhere (swimming pool, sauna, fitting room, hotel stay, kindergarten, gym) regardless of gender or age.
Oral mycosis is a problem that is often underestimated, both by doctors and by patients. The multitude of symptoms that can occur in its course does not make diagnosis any easier. So how do you know...
Here are some simple rules that, if followed, will significantly reduce the risk of contracting ringworm: Remember hygiene- skin should be dry and clean. Do not use other people's clothes, shoes,...
Here are some simple rules, following which will significantly reduce the risk of contracting ringworm: 1. Remember hygiene- skin should be dry and clean. 2. Do not use other people's clothes,...
We present the recommendations of the Polish Gynaecological Society on sexually transmitted infections in obstetrics and gynaecology. The recommendations developed are intended to facilitate the...