The main causes of deficiencies include a diet low in vitamins and minerals, consumption of highly processed foods, soil depletion and stress. People on a plant-based diet, with chronic diseases or...
Arachnid bites happen more often than we think. Fortunately, most arachnids living in our country are not venomous and their bites are not dangerous. However, what should we do if we come across a...
Difficult-to-heal wounds are a problem faced by many chronic patients. Caring for these types of wounds is not easy - consistent hygiene must be maintained and appropriate medicinal products used to...
Christmas is a time of family gatherings at a lavishly set table. Who doesn't like cakes, dumplings or Christmas delicacies? But what happens when our stomach says "stop" and heartburn and...
Experts say there is a greater risk of contracting coronavirus when meeting another person outside of your room rather than in your room during a hotel stay. How do hotels keep us safe during a...
As many as 34% of women have symptoms characteristic of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth. A direct link is the lack of use of any technique to relieve labour pain.
Summer is the time of year when UV levels average 8, meaning they are high and the total amount of atmospheric ozone is below average. This has significant consequences for humans. After exposure to...
An increasing number of patients are struggling with allergic diseases. In a period of constantly changing epidemiological situation in the country, many people may be concerned about the impact of...
December 2019 will remain in our memories for a long time. It was then that the first information about the insidious virus that attacked one by one the inhabitants of the city of Wuhan and, in a...
It is becoming increasingly difficult to buy disinfectant liquid in shops, pharmacies or petrol stations with which to disinfect hands or surfaces at home. How do you make disinfectant liquid at home?
Telemedicine, as a field of medical care, is designed to support the therapeutic process. It is often confused with non-medical services, but it is fully a medical care service - in an individualised...
Dermatological conditions often take the form of chronic illnesses, thus affecting the sufferer's quality of life and their psyche. The relationship between these two spheres of life - physicality...
18 April 2006 was established as European Patients' Rights Day. This holiday is celebrated in all countries of the European Union with the aim of raising awareness or reminding patients of their...
Dear female users, on this special day for all women, we would like to wish you all the best.
Avoiding the sun, being allergic to milk or following a strict vegan diet can all contribute to an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Excessive exposure of the skin to the sun can cause a number of diseases, ranging from sunburn to skin cancer. In order to protect your skin from the sun's rays, you need to take proper care of your...
Vitamindrips have long been a hit around the world, with well-known actors and celebrities (e.g. model Cindy Crawford and singer Rihanna) benefiting from this therapy. Vitamin cocktails, which are...
Eyelid detachment, also known as eyelid protrusion - medically referred to as ectropion. This anomaly is the result of a successive process of eyelid atrophy (usually the lower eyelid). The...
The ink painting on the skin, commonly known as a tattoo, still arouses mixed feelings - for some it is a decoration, others believe it disfigures the body. Its history dates back to 2000 BC. It is...
A professional spa at home? Why not! Just choose the right cosmetics and have a moment to yourself. When choosing body care products, it is worth ensuring that they are suitable for our skin. Body...