We present an overview of the myths about dental prostheses that discourage patients from wearing them.
Are you wearing an artificial jaw? Wondering how to look after it? Here's a quick guide on how to take good care of your oral hygiene when you wear a denture.
Many elderly people no longer have their own teeth and rely on dentures to enable them to chew properly and thus eat solid food. In order to ensure that such a denture fulfils its role properly and...
Patients struggling with the loss of their teeth approach the proposal of fitting a denture with great distance. They most often associate it with an artificial-looking, porcelain and, above all,...
Dental bridges are one of the options for replacing missing teeth, whereby replacement teeth are attached to the patient's own teeth. They are a good alternative for those patients who, for whatever...
Prosthodontics is the branch of dentistry dealing with the restoration of the continuity of teeth. It concerns defects resulting from disease or trauma, as well as abnormal congenital dentition. The...
Are you wearing a prosthesis ? Do you feel uncomfortable ? Do you want lightness and a feeling of naturalness ? Acronome prostheses may be just what you are interested in ! Acronome prostheses are...
Missingteeth are, at first sight, an aesthetic problem. In reality, missing teeth can lead to various difficulties, ranging from chewing food to speech disorders. It is for these reasons that missing...
Arhadectomy is nothing more than a situation where, in order to save an upper molar tooth, it is necessary to cut off and then remove one of the roots of a multi-rooted tooth.
A removable partial denture is a dental prosthesis which makes up for a partial lack of dentition and can be freely removed and re-inserted by the patient. It replaces missing teeth in the mandible...
Animmediate denture is a dental restoration that is placed on a base in the mouth, immediately after tooth extraction, while the local anaesthetic is still in effect.
Dental implants are artificial components placed to replace cavities in the teeth. This may concern one cavity (tooth) or several. The decision to have a dental implant placed is ultimately made by...
More and more people are interested in dental splints/tooth caps and are making this request to dental practices. In dentistry there are several, overlays that are selected to suit the patient's...
A dental implant is an artificial root, which is made of e.g. titanium and its size resembles a natural root. Thanks to this type of solution it is possible to add (place) a crown (artificial tooth)....
Denture adhesives are an essential accessory for every patient who uses a denture. Not only patients with removable dentures, but also users of fixed dentures will benefit from their use. Adhesives,...
A dental prosthesis is an artificial replacement for lost teeth, allowing the restoration of chewing function, improving speech distorted by tooth loss and providing aesthetic results. There are...
An implant can be called any foreign body implanted into the body to restore the natural function or aesthetics of a damaged organ. In dentistry, the term dental implant is used.
Dentures were created to replace natural teeth. Despite constant improvements, they still differ significantly in their properties and therefore require different care.
The name crowns and bridges refers to the fixed appliances we are familiar with, used in dental prosthetics. These are permanent appliances which are fixed and removed by the dentist in the dental...