Bonding is a method used as part of cosmetic dentistry. How exactly does the procedure work? What can be achieved? What are the indications and contraindications?
Is it possible to transform your smile in a relatively short period of time? Yes! A smile makeover using veneers can transform your smile and make you feel like a movie star.
A beautiful smile makes us more beautiful, boosts our self-confidence and evokes positive emotions in the person we are speaking to. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy with their smile and it can...
Teeth are undoubtedly a very important part of our external appearance. A beautiful, healthy and, in addition, white smile gives us confidence and makes us feel more attractive. More and more people...
Tooth veneers are a type of composite overlay that allows you to achieve a dazzling smile. Who can apply veneers and what is the cost?
A Hollywood smile is the dream of many people. Dental surgeries outdo each other in offering teeth whitening treatments, showering us with newer and newer methods. Can anyone undergo this treatment?...
Over the years, dentistry has evolved with the development of technology and medicine, as well as with the increased availability of a wide range of materials. A new field of dentistry has emerged,...
Modern prosthodontics and cosmetic dentistry offer patients many different ways to improve their smile. Dental crowns or dental bridges still seem to be the most popular of these, but more and more...
Modern cosmetic dentistry meets the growing need to feel good and improve one's appearance. There is a trend towards increasing numbers of teeth whitening procedures and, consequently, the...
There are several stereotypes about Americans. While many of them are untrue, one is the absolute truth. We are talking about Americans' obsession with their teeth. In the following article, we take...
Bonding is a method of restoring tooth surfaces as well as covering discolourations, cavities and deformations with composite resin - the material is available in various colours which can be...
Filling techniques and composite materials are a subject with which every clinician is familiar. They are the least invasive method of restoring dentin and enamel and offer both aesthetic advantages...
Beautiful, white, even teeth are the dream of many of us. Popularly known as the 'Hollywood' smile, we used to get it after wearing braces and undergoing quite a few whitening treatments. Below, some...
Many patients visit their dentist to ask about changes that have occurred on their tongue. It is covered with a black or dirty-grey plaque and is hairy.
More and more people are having their gums pierced (the most common piercing is the frenulum - the connection between the gum and the lip). The ear, tooth or nose piercing is not so popular anymore.
More and more people, of all ages, are considering getting an earring in their tooth. This procedure is not painful, takes up to 20 minutes, and is not harmful to the patient.
Everyone dreams of a perfectly white, Hollywood smile. It is undoubtedly the basis of an aesthetically pleasing appearance. However, dental treatments of this kind are usually quite expensive, and...
Plaque builds up on everyone's teeth as we age. It is made up of bacteria, food debris, epithelial cells and mucus. The build-up of plaque can become the cause of dangerous diseases, mainly...
Enamel (enamelum) is nothing more than the tissue (the hardest of all tissues in the body) that covers all the dentin on the surface of the tooth crown.
Teeth serve us throughout our lives, enabling us to take in, grind and swallow food.