Diseases of the heart always have an impact on the patient's comfort of life, often causing many complications that can be life-threatening. What is coronary artery fistula and how can it be treated?
Aortic stenosis is the most common valvular heart defect and is - along with hypertension and coronary artery disease - one of the most common heart conditions in general. The entity may be...
Atrial fibrillation is a disease that can be asymptomatic and does not give any alarm. But appearances can be deceiving - atrial fibrillation can even be fatal!
The aim of early cardiac rehabilitation is to improve the patient's performance in hospital, as well as taking preventive measures to avoid or reduce the risk of thrombotic and respiratory...
Atrial fibrillation is a serious condition that poses a threat to the patient's health and life. In some cases it is initially asymptomatic, others experience weakness, tinnitus or headaches....
The heart is the most important organ of the circulatory system, lying in the thorax inside the pericardial sac. The structure of each heart muscle cell is very complex. Statistics show that more and...
Thesymptoms of my ocarditis are so non-specific that they do not allow a quick and clear diagnosis to be made. It is a very heterogeneous disease and the clinical picture depends on many external and...
Tumours of the heart are relatively rare in relation to other neoplastic lesions. They can be either primary or secondary in origin.
Functional heart disease, or cardiac neuropathy, is the term for chronic and recurrent complaints of chest pain. Typically, the complaints do not have an organic basis.
Congenital and structural heart defects are one of the problems facing cardiology. In the field of diagnostics, cardiac imaging techniques are developing rapidly and even three-dimensional images of...
Aortic valve defects are stenosis or regurgitation. In both cases, there is a volume or pressure overload of the left ventricle. The most common symptoms include dizziness, fainting, palpitations.
Genetic markers that may be responsible for cardiac disorders, resulting in sudden cardiac death, are being searched for all the time. The gene responsible for this condition has been found.
A bicuspid right ventricle is a congenital defect in which the aorta and the pulmonary artery largely or wholly diverge from the right ventricle. It very often coexists with a ventricular septal...
The correct functioning of the heart has a huge impact on our health and proper functioning.
The tilt test, or tilt test, is a diagnostic test performed when a patient has syncope and it is suspected that the underlying cause is a cardiovascular problem.
Heart defects usually refer to abnormalities in the formation of the valves. The latter are responsible for properly directing blood flow in the heart.
Heart defects are usually congenital defects, those others occur for an as yet unexplained reason. Heart defects occur in approximately 1% of newborns worldwide. In our country, more than 3,500...
Tachycardia, is defined as an irregular and excessively fast heart rate, i.e. above 100 beats per minute (there are patients whose heart rate can be as high as 400 beats/min).
Many patients do not realise that they have a disorder of the natural heart rhythm. This can include problems with: atrial rhythm, ventricular rhythm, sinus node...
Sudden card iac death is defined as death from a cardiac cause occurring immediately or up to one hour after the onset of symptoms in a person with previously known or unknown heart disease.