There is not really one ideal profession for people who have bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). However, patients can - when choosing a job - be guided by certain aspects, as certain jobs will be...
Bipolaraffective disorder (BPAD) is an entity associated with episodes of both depressed and elevated mood. However, mood swings can also be found in a completely different condition, that of...
Various researchers are continually undertaking work to search for the causes of bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). Thespecialists at the US Salk Institute for Biological Studies present interesting...
The treatment of bipolar affective disorder currently mainly involves pharmaco- and psychotherapy. However, due to the fact that this condition is simply common and that not all patients have...
Manic states are suspected of having a number of different causes - genes or environmental conditions, among others, are thought to influence their occurrence. However, as the pathogenesis of mania...
When testing blood glucose levels, it is easy to determine whether they are appropriate, too low or too high. In psychiatry, for example, it is more difficult to determine whether a patient's...
A pole is called a place that is for some reason the furthest away or has extreme characteristics. The poles (north and south) are those places on Earth that are their absolute opposites - the...
As bipolar disorder and Borderline personality disorder can have a similar clinical course, there is a risk of misdiagnosis in patients. An accurate diagnosis in patients with these disorders is...
More and more is being heard and spoken about normothymic drugs, or so-called mood stabilisers. Recent scientific studies show that more and more people (both men and women) are taking them. Many...
Lithium has shown very high efficacy in the treatment of bipolar affective disorder in children and adolescents.
Bipolar affective disorder, or bipolar disorder, is a syndrome characterised by periods of depression , mania and mixed periods/ episodes.
Many patients and those around them wonder when do we deal with bipolar affective disorder?
Strange behaviour or bipolar affective disorder? Many people wonder when we can talk about bipolar affective disorder and when we are dealing with a person with a strong character, confident, overly...
Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) is characterised by two types of symptoms: depressive states (lack of desire to work, avoidance of contact with family and friends, sadness, depression) and states...
The most characteristic symptoms of bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) are mood disorders. People with BPAD have opposing activities that follow one another - depression or a state of mania (or...
Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD, manic-depressive illness/psychosis) is one of the more common mental disorders. It has a very negative impact on the life and normal functioning of patients. It is...
Mood (affective) disorders are among those disorders that can significantly affect our physical activity, occupational activity, emotionality and mood changes. We distinguish between unipolar and...
We all have our ups and downs, periods when joy and happiness radiate from us and days when we would prefer not to leave our room. In bipolar disorder these ups and downs are much more intense.
Borderline disorder can be described as the general chaos that prevails in a person's mind and feelings. Borderline is referred to as a borderline personality because of the constant mood swings and...