How important a quick diagnosis is in treatment, oncologists know all too well. This time, scientists have decided to use artificial intelligence for this purpose. We check what the results are.
Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the general population. It accounts for about 97% of all skin cancers and about one third of all malignant tumours. The most common skin cancer is...
One of the possible symptoms of lung cancer is coughing. However, it is well known that coughing varies in nature and many people wonder what type of cough is suggestive of cancer. Coughing is not a...
A blood test that can detect 50 types of cancer has a very good chance of entering widespread use.
world Cancer Day is celebrated on 4 October. On this day, it is worth reminding people of the importance of cancer prevention, so that we can start treatment quickly and then the chance of winning...
It is well known that dogs are used to find drugs or explosives due to their excellent sense of smell. However, it is less well known that these animals are also capable of detecting various human...
Various nodules can be detected in patients - not infrequently by chance. Particularly feared are those nodules that appear within the lungs - after all, they may even be cancerous. In...
Colonoscopy is an invaluable diagnostic method, however, in order for this examination to really contribute to the diagnostic process, it is necessary to meet a certain condition. Above all, it is...
Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic examination that makes it possible to assess elements of the respiratory tract such as the larynx, trachea and large bronchi. The examination is mainly used in the...
Almost half of patients with operable breast cancer treated surgically die because distant metastases are already present at the time of surgery. This means that the disease was already generalised...
Cancer cells are usually markedly different from normal cells in the body. These differences may relate to their rate of division, their structure, but also the production of various types of...
Everyone should get into the habit of monitoring their health. Preventive visits to the GP and blood and urine tests can indicate in good time that something is wrong with the body. Remember that on...
Thanks to an invention by Israeli researchers, it is becoming possible to detect the direction of metastasis of cancerous lesions. This discovery is likely to save hundreds of lives.
A biopsy still remains one of the main ways to diagnose cancer. Basically, this procedure involves taking a small piece of disease tissue for examination under a microscope, sometimes also with the...
The incidence of skin cancer accounts for approximately 7.5% of cases in women and 6.8% in men. An increase in the incidence of this type of cancer is noted after the age of 20. The skin is the...
Ovarian cancer continues to be a huge problem in gynaecological oncology. Importantly, its symptoms can be very non-specific.
In the case of cancer, diet can pose a direct threat or, on the contrary, it can be an excellent safeguard and protection against the disease. However, it is important to ensure that the quality of...
Medical US examination, due to its accessibility, non-invasiveness and low cost, is an imaging test that has a wide range of applications. This examination can be a first-line test to detect a lesion.
In addition to their rich nutritional composition, an increasing number of foods are hiding a whole host of compounds with potential carcinogenic effects.
The process of tumour formation is based on very complex mechanisms that are still not fully understood today.