In an era of increasing health awareness, cancer prevention is gaining importance. One of the tools that can support this is the onkopaket - a set of tests focusing on micronutrient levels in the...
Cluster headaches are relatively rare, affecting about 1 person in 1,000. They are more common in men, especially in smokers. Attacks usually start after the age of 20 and are often not diagnosed...
A cure for dementia has still not been invented. However, there is research that says it is possible to eliminate the factors that lead to its occurrence. We check what the experts think about this.
Joint pain is a common problem in patients with neurological diseases. Sometimes the symptoms are so severe that a consultation with a rheumatologist is necessary. Which rheumatological diseases make...
Intense brain development in the first months of an embryo's life may be linked to greater intensity of autism spectrum features in children. This is the result of a study by US researchers who...
The ketogenic diet is one of the more popular dietary models that has gained popularity due to its potential benefits such as glycaemic control, weight reduction and improved cognitive function. The...
Forgetting happens to all of us; in addition, memory declines with age. We look at how to distinguish 'ordinary' forgetting from dementia.
Every day we inhale and eat a by-product of our economy - microplastic. However, there are ways to reduce its consumption. Let's find out which ones.
Rheumatology diseases are often associated with joint or bone pain. In reality, symptoms can occur from many systems, not initially associated with rheumatological diseases. One of the symptoms may...
They can calculate complex mathematical calculations in the blink of an eye or play thousands of songs from memory. They possess unbelievable artistic abilities and yet are unable to perform even the...
Statistics clearly show that currently in Poland, sudden life and health emergencies are cardiovascular diseases first, followed by strokes. Meanwhile, there is little or even no awareness of the...
Synesthesia is a specific sensory processing condition in which certain types of stimuli, such as tastes, smells, sounds or letters are automatically assigned additional characteristics, such as...
Camptocormia is a process involving bending of the lower back. It is one of the characteristic symptoms of Parkinson's disease and other multisystem atrophy. What is the cause of the disease? What...
No one needs to be told that music has a beneficial effect on people. Gentle sounds soothe us to sleep and fast-paced electronic music encourages us to move and be active in the gym or the park....
Researchers in Lausanne, Switzerland, have developed an implant that allows people with a severed spinal cord to walk. The first patient to whom it was implanted is a man who suffered a spinal injury...
COVID-19 is a disease that appeared suddenly and has definitely changed our reality. The entity has been accompanying humanity for several months; nevertheless, the possible symptoms of SARS-CoV-2...
Artificial intelligence (AI ) is a concept that has no clear definition in this day and age - at its core lies the interconnection of many areas of life and science, and is therefore being used more...
Isolation and quarantine are states that until now were not significant for society as a whole. However, the situation has changed and we are sometimes forced to remain in isolation for...
Crying is a natural reaction to emotion - both emotion and sadness. A strong one can cause exhaustion and sometimes a headache, which can usually be alleviated with home remedies, as long as it does...
Dizziness is statistically the most frequently reported medical complaint when visiting a specialist. With good reason, as they are a very common occurrence, affecting people of all ages. Most causes...