Parkinson's disease affects millions of people around the world. Where does it come from? How is it treated and is cannabis a remedy to combat its symptoms?
Researchers have developed an AI tool that can detect Parkinson's disease from blood samples. Artificial intelligence can spot the possibility of the disease 15 years before the onset of symptoms...
French researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering drugs in Parkinson's disease.
A study by researchers at the University of Birmingham has revealed that recurring nightmares could be an early warning sign of developing Parkinson's disease. This neurological disease has...
According to researchers from Charles University in Prague and the Czech Technical University in Prague, speech disorders occur in 90 per cent of patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. This...
Researchers in Australia have developed a hydrogel that can be applied in one treatment to patients with Parkinson's disease and possibly to people with other neurological diseases. When the gel,...
Parkinson's disease is a neurological condition in which dopamine-producing brain cells die. It directly affects a person's mobility and is most commonly associated with hand tremor, although this is...
It has been known for a relatively long time that Parkinson's disease is associated with increasing motor neuron deficits, leading to the onset of Parkinson's symptoms. As current treatments for...
Czech researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health (NUDZ) in Klecany near Prague conducted a study that focused on the onset of Parkinson's disease. It shows that a blood test focusing on...
One of the abnormalities associated with Parkinson's disease is the degeneration of dopamine-secreting nerve cells - it is due to deficiencies in this neurotransmitter that patients develop...
Can the absence of an appendix reduce the chance of ... the onset of Parkinson's disease? It turns out that yes! This has been proven by researchers in the United States. They report that the...
11 April is celebrated as World Parkinson's Disease Day. The date commemorates the birthday of James Parkinson, a British physician who lived at the turn of the 18th century and described the...
The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease - once it has fully developed in a patient - is usually not very difficult for specialists. However, it is now being highlighted that making the diagnosis as...
Parkinson 's disease is a chronic, progressive, neurodegenerative disease. The most important and at the same time the most visible symptoms of the disease include a tremor in the limbs, which most...
Just as the causes of some diseases have been known for years, the causes of others are still unclear. This is the case with Parkinson's disease, for example. Scientists are still searching for what...
The symptoms of people with Parkinson's disease and those with so-called atypical parkinsonisms may be similar, but differences may relate to how these patients should be treated. Differentiation...
In Parkinson 's disease, progressive brain damage occurs. Patients have problems not only with movement but also with eating, writing, speaking or washing themselves. To date, direct causes for the...
The symptomatology of extrapyramidal system disorders is extremely wide. The symptoms can be a separate disease entity as well as accompanying another condition. Parkinsonism, dystonias and tics are...
Research shows that people who suffer or have suffered from depression appear to be at higher risk of Parkinson's disease. Perhaps depression is an early symptom of Parkinson's disease, which is...
Modern neurological diagnosis presents few difficulties to accurately diagnose Parkinson's disease, caused by atrophy of midbrain black matter neurons.
Sleep disorders are one of the most common postural symptoms in Parkinson's disease. It is estimated to affect 65-95% of patients.
Senile dementia is defined as a cognitive impairment. It should not be regarded as a sign or basic symptom of old age, but as a disorder that must be prevented. In the case of senile dementia, there...