The diaphragm is classed as a mechanical contraceptive that can be used by women. Due to its shape and placement in the woman's body, it is designed to protect the cervix from the entry of sperm....
According to the 2002 Polish Sexuality Report, as many as 13% of women and 2% of men surveyed suffer from pain during sexual intercourse, i.e. dyspareunia. An additional 2% of women suffer from...
The search for an effective HIV prevention drug continues. Our knowledge is growing, but still insufficient. As it is one of the most dangerous viruses in the world, the discovery of American...
The contraceptive transdermal system is one of the most modern hormonal methods of preventing pregnancy. In the body of this article, you will find basic information so that every patient can...
Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. As scientific research shows, it has a huge effect on many parts of the brain, not only in women but also in men.
Despite the many social changes we can observe today, many women still face a similar dilemma. It is a fact that the struggle for equality between men and women has done a lot of good. However, this...
Have you noticed that during or 24-48 hours after sexual intercourse you feel a sharp, piercing, stabbing or intense pain in your lower abdomen? Watch yourself, it's not worth the pain. If this...
Your child is about to leave for summer camp. She's of puberty age and you have visions of three sleepless weeks because you'll be under stress about whether you'll accidentally become a...
Building and maintaining a relationship is not just about living together, cuddling and shopping trips to the nearest hypermarket. The basis of any relationship is conversation - and not just the...
The history of the most effective and at the same time easiest to use contraceptive method - hormonal contraception - dates back to the mid-20th century. It owes its rapid development to Pincus, Rock...
A modern contraceptive method in the form of a hormone-releasing patch.
Symptoms occurring in very early pregnancy that may lead to a presumption of pregnancy.
Taking a pill after intercourse containing a high amount of hormones to avoid unwanted pregnancy in emergency situations that may lead to conception.