"Migraine is not just a headache, and Botox is more than an aesthetic treatment" - these two sentences may surprise you, but they perfectly capture the content of a conversation with Dr Anna...
Since ancient times, cannabis cultivation has taken place in many countries around the world. At every stage of history, one can find information about the use of cannabis for various purposes....
For years, cannabis has been the subject of much controversy and debate, most often centred on its legalisation, with various arguments being put forward by both supporters and opponents of its...
Back pain is more common in women than in men. The problem affects almost 64 per cent of women and 50 per cent of men. How can you avoid back pain problems?
A nerve block is a fairly common procedure in the medical world, the aim of which is to temporarily abolish the transmission of information about pain stimuli received by the receptors to the brain....
Migraine is a chronic condition characterised by paroxysmal headaches accompanied by hypersensitivity to sound and light, nausea and vomiting. It affects women far more often and has a familial...
Headaches are one of the most common and also one of the most disabling complaints for patients. They can be distressing in general, but of particular concern are those headaches that occur at night....
Cluster headaches affect all of us, but the reasons why they occur vary. Many people suffer from a cluster headache - what is it, how do you treat it? Is it dangerous?
Pain is a phenomenon that accompanies every human being. How we perceive it is determined by our physiology and the processes that take place in our body. Reactions to pain from the response our body...
Neuropathic pain is a severe condition. It can be caused by injury or disease of the nervous system - this is known. However, what we know less about is how to treat neuropathic pain - typical...
According to statistics - one in four people suffer from back pain. Not only the elderly, but also the middle-aged and the very young struggle with the condition. The most common ailment affecting...
Migraine headaches are a population problem, affecting both men and women. Chronic migraines, although occurring at a much lower rate, are the cause of significant overuse of painkillers due to a...
De Quervain's syndrome is a condition involving inflammation of the tendon sheaths of the wrist - limiting the dexterity of the hand and making it difficult to carry out simple daily activities. The...
An innovative method of treating pain that has been highly effective for a long time now - is laser therapy. The procedure of this form of therapy is based not only on the analgesic, but also...
Ovarian pain is an unpleasant stabbing or expanding sensation in the lower abdomen.
We know more and more about migraine headaches as well as their causes. Nowadays, we are hearing more and more about the use of cannabis in relieving and even abolishing migraine pain.
We associate damage to the spine with one thing: paralysis for life and a wheelchair. Even the smallest spinal problems, such as a prolapsed disc, are associated with enormous pain and discomfort...
Vitamins have a regulatory function and have a huge impact on most processes in our body (immune, metabolic or hormonal).
Horton's syndrome, is also sometimes called cluster headache or histamine headache. This pain is one of the most severe headaches and, as medical observations have shown, can lead to very strange,...
In addition to migraine headaches, professionals also encounter complaints caused by cluster headache. This condition is not fully understood in terms of the pathophysiological processes affecting...