A rash around the mouth in children is a very common occurrence. There are many products that can cause it, so it is often difficult to quickly and accurately determine the cause of its appearance....
Spring is a time when our eyes are exposed to more harmful factors. During a sunny day, more UV radiation enters the eyes, for allergy sufferers it is a period of increased allergies, in addition, we...
Nowadays, allergies have become an extremely common problem. They predominantly affect the youngest, so it is useful to know how to diagnose them so that the tests are reliable and age-appropriate.
In a young child, every ailment is a stressful unknown. So it is not surprising that when a diagnosis of atopic dermatitis is made, parents look for the cause. Foods are targeted, but are we right to...
Allergy to house dust mites affects one in three Poles. Can we prevent it and what symptoms might indicate it?
Not every rash is indicative of a food allergy. Not every food allergy manifests itself through a rash. Allergens in food can cause a range of symptoms, making it relatively easy to diagnose the...
Allergens not only trigger a strong immune system response but in extreme cases can even cause death. In addition to providing information about allergens in food, a new food production technology...
An analysis by Imperial College London and Sechenov University in Moscow has shown a correlation between guidelines for the diagnosis of cow's milk allergy in infants and young children and the false...
People with coeliac disease are more likely to die prematurely - despite greater awareness of the disease and better availability of gluten-free foods. This was indicated in a study by Swedish and...
Allergists should not interrupt their treatment due to the prevailing coronavirus pandemic, according to the president of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).
Nut allergy is classed as one of the so-called big eight food allergens, i.e. those that cause more than 90% of food allergies. Is nut allergy dangerous? How do you live with it?
Children who live at home with animals are less likely to suffer from allergies and other illnesses, according to a study carried out by doctors at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden).
The problem of lactose intolerance has been with man since milk appeared in the human diet, but it was not until the 20th century that specialised research was carried out into the background of this...
In March 2016, an article containing the World Allergy Organisation (WAO) guidelines for the prevention of allergic diseases was published in the World Allergy Organization Journal. Among other...
"Product may contain traces of nuts" - such a warning present on a large number of products suggests that peanut allergy is both common and dangerous in its effects. Allergies are attempted to be...
Everyone has probably heard of lactose intolerance. Few people know that it is one of the most common food intolerances. In Poland, nearly 30% of adults suffer from this condition. The cause of...
An allergic reaction can occur in any of us. It can be dangerous, especially in children. Very often, parents do not realise that their child is suffering from an allergy. Caution: Sometimes, contact...
Allergy is a specific response of the immune system to certain external factors. In the course of this response, various accompanying symptoms can be encountered, including allergic rhinitis, which...
Allergic diseases are increasingly prevalent in the paediatric population. These include food allergies, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. Prevention of these conditions is extremely important.
We dispel the myths between the misconceptions of intolerance and allergy. Is your child already allergic or just suffering from a temporary food intolerance?