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TreatmentHeart disease can present with cardiovascular efficiency or failure. In the case of insufficiency, a distinction is made between:
- Left ventricular failure,
- Right heart failure,
- Chronic failure.
Diet in heart failure - Treatment
Heart failure requires a number of dietary recommendations in addition to pharmacological measures:
- An easily digestible diet containing 4-5 small meals per day by volume is recommended for the condition .
- Carbohydrates should come from products such as bread, cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruit. Simple, refined sugars from sweets and confectionery are limited. As they ferment quickly, they cause abdominal bloating. In addition, they contribute to elevation of the diaphragm and change the position of the heart.
- It is advisable to limit animal fats (butter, cream, lard) and replace them with vegetable fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids: sunflower, soybean, corn, linseed oil. And oils containing monounsaturated fatty acids: rapeseed, olive oil.
- Protein should come from both animal products (lean skinless poultry, rabbit, lean pork, calves, lean fish, eggs) and vegetable products (cereal products, potatoes, dry pulses and vegetables and fruit). An adequate protein supply (1g/kg b.w.) plays an important role in nutrition in heart failure to avoid malnutrition. To further enrich the diet with protein, milk powder can be added to dishes.
- It is important to limit salt intake to less than 4 g/day and fluids to 1 l/day, as the disease is often accompanied by oedema. Fluids should not be restricted in patients on diuretics.
- Increase the supply of products rich in vitamin C (fruits: rosehips, citrus fruits, berries, brassica vegetables, parsley, tomatoes, peppers) and vitamin B1 (coarse cereal products, pulses, meat, milk, eggs, nuts). Vitamin B1 deficiency increases the risk of heart muscle damage.
- In case of anorexia, acidic foods to stimulate the appetite, spices: marjoram, dill, caraway, basil, cloves, cinnamon are recommended.
- Food should be prepared by boiling, roasting, stewing without frying.
- The last meal should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime.