
Areola reduction

Areola reduction


Breast self-examination in women

The areola reduction procedure is an aesthetic medicine procedure. As with other cosmetic surgery, there are no medical indications for this type of surgical intervention - the procedure is carried out to improve the aesthetic appearance of a woman's breasts. The surgical correction in this case consists specifically of reducing the external circular halo around the nipple.


Breasts have been a symbol of femininity for centuries. It is not surprising, therefore, that ladies perceive any 'defects' in this part of their body extremely emotionally. Bust imperfections can cause complexes as well as depressive states. Plastic surgery can help, making it possible to eliminate or significantly reduce any unsightly changes.

What are areolae and why do they distort?

The areola, also known as the nipple areola, is a dark and flat ring that surrounds the nipple (sometimes covered by small protuberances) - it is a transformed skin in which sebaceous and sweat glands are densely located.

The deformation that the areola sometimes undergoes is a significant enlargement.

This process is caused by several factors, which include:

  • congenital characteristics (individual female trait),
  • the consequence of lactation and breastfeeding,
  • hormonal changes.

For whom the procedure. Pre-operative procedure

This type of procedure is intended for women who have undergone a process of excessive enlargement (stretching) of the nipple areolae - resulting in anatomical anomalies in appearance (in body proportions).

photo: panthermedia

Important! The decision to undergo surgical intervention should be made by the patient herself. The specialist's opinion is only of an auxiliary nature that can influence the final choice.