
Before you go to the doctor - natural methods for treating the most common gastrointestinal diseases

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Before you go to the doctor - natural methods for treating the most common gastrointestinal diseases


Epigastric pain

Problems of the digestive system can affect anyone. Slight abdominal pain, short-lived diarrhoea or a feeling of "gurgling" are phenomena that affect everyone. Due to their relatively short-lived nature, we do not go to the doctor with them. But what if we suspect we are suffering from a digestive disease? Below, some tried and tested advice - before you go to the doctor. When the stomach suffers..


Stomach disorders, affecting many of us

The causes of stomach problems can vary. In the case of gastritis, the main culprits are chronic bacterial infections or overuse of stimulants such as alcohol. Of course, a visit to the doctor is necessary to confirm the disease, but symptoms such as a feeling of food lingering in the stomach or the popular burning sensation in the pit may suggest gastritis-related problems.

Home remedies for stomach problems

For home remedies to alleviate discomfort, it is recommended to use herbs that will have a protective effect on the gastric mucosa. Thus, infusions of St. John's wort herb, flaxseed, liquorice root and peppermint leaves are recommended. Of course, one should not forget about a proper diet - eliminating coffee and strong tea, abstaining from alcohol. Small cereals, rice, yoghurt, kefir and in the case of meat, lean chicken, rabbit or turkey should be consumed. When cooked gently, it should have a soothing effect on the gastric mucosa. Another relatively common disorder is gastric hyperacidity, also known as hyperacidity. Doctors see irrational diet, alcohol abuse and excess gastric juices as causes of this condition.

The most common symptoms complained of include constipation, a long-lasting feeling of heartburn and a specific, unpleasant odour from the mouth. What can we do at home to alleviate the symptoms? An infusion of a mixture of nine herbs is recommended: marjoram, yarrow, silversmith, shanty, valerian root, lime blossom, lemon balm leaves, lichen and couch grass. Of course, diet is also important - it is advisable to eat boiled flaxseed twice a day. It is also important to eat small portions of food more often, in order to alleviate the excess hydrochloric acid production. Include biscuits, rusks, soft-boiled eggs and lean ham in your diet.

As far as soups are concerned, it is advisable to eat lean, delicate soups cooked in vegetable stock. As far as vegetables are concerned, it is worth reaching for carrots, peas, beetroot and pumpkin, while in the case of fruit, it is recommended to eat Peptic ulcer disease, another common illness. There are many reasons for its occurrence - the appearance of ulcers can be influenced by a poor diet as well as genetic factors. The most common symptoms of peptic ulcer disease include severe discomfort, heartburn, bloating, overflowing in the stomach and a strange aftertaste in the mouth. As the disease progresses, weight loss may occur, The treatment of peptic ulcer disease is lengthy - ulcers can take up to six weeks to heal! It is extremely important to give up cigarettes, alcohol and coffee. It is worthwhile to reach for herbs that regulate defects in the gastric mucous membrane - such as yarrow, holy balm, valerian, dandelion, coltsfoot, lemon balm.

photo: shutterstock

Duodenal problems

Duodenal ulcer disease is as common as gastric ulcer disease. The causes of duodenal problems, are similar to those of stomach problems. The symptoms of duodenal ulcer, is the seasonal manifestation of the problem. Patients complain that the disease intensifies its symptoms in spring and autumn. The most common symptoms include heartburn, bloating, constipation or very loose stools. As the disease progresses, so-called hunger pains appear. Home remedies are based on the use of angelica, angelica, St. John's wort and coltsfoot.