In addition to migraine headaches, professionals also encounter complaints caused by cluster headache. This condition is not fully understood in terms of the pathophysiological processes affecting its development, as well as in terms of possible inheritance. Cluster headache affects approximately 1% of the population, of which, men are particularly affected.
Migraine and cluster headache
Cluster headache (Horton's syndrome), unlike migraine headaches, is less common, occurring in approximately 1% of the population and mostly affecting men. Prior to 1990, cluster headache was not considered a hereditary condition, but studies conducted on twins, together with a family history, seem to indicate familial correlations in the occurrence of this condition. However, the mechanisms responsible for its inheritance have not been identified.
Cluster headache - Horton syndrome
Cluster headache belongs to the idiopathic pain group of headaches, involving the trigeminal nociceptive system activating the cranial reflexes of the autonomic system. The modified version of the classification, places this condition in the autonomic headache category. Common to all headaches, symptoms in this group include unilateral, brief, paroxysmal, severe headache along with autonomic nervous system symptoms. In the category of cluster headaches, a distinction can be made between episodic cluster headache, episodic and chronic paralysing headache or short-lasting unilateral pain mimicking neuralgia with the appearance of tearing.
photo: panthermedia
Cluster headache - pathophysiology of Horton's syndrome
Unfortunately, the pathophysiology of this condition is not sufficiently understood to date. There are, however, some regularities in the occurrence of symptoms, such as a relapsing-remitting course, seasonality or recurrence at certain times.
Treatment is therefore focused on intervention in the event of a pain attack as well as prevention, with the aim of inhibiting attacks and prolonging remission time between successive pain episodes. During a seizure, oxygen inhalations for about 20 minutes proved effective. These resulted in a significant reduction in discomfort during this time. Oral medication is also administered, both during a pain attack and in the context of preventive treatment. During the course of receiving pharmacotherapy, close medical follow-up is essential.
Treatment of cluster headache (Horton's syndrome)
Cluster head ache is a condition that remains a clinical challenge. Nevertheless, in order to diagnose the problem, it is necessary to follow the criteria that have been set out in the International Classification of Headaches, taking the dependencies of the form of cluster headache that affects the patient.