
Impulse control disorders

Klaudia Tomala Sources: Bilikiewicz A, Psychiatry, Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa 2011 Cameron AD., Psychiatria, Elsevier URBAN&PARTNER, Wrocław 2004 Morrison J., Diagnoza psychiatryczna, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2012

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Impulse control disorders



Impulse control is disrupted in many mental illnesses, but these disorders are also a distinct entity in the DS IV classification. Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are part of a larger group of psychiatric disorders referred to as obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders.okok


Impulsecontrol dis orders involve an irresistible desire to perform harmful actions despite realising the consequences. The patient feels a strong excitement about performing an activity, which makes him or her unable to prevent it despite being aware of the consequences of his or her action.

Usually, the performance of the activity is preceded by strong excitement or mounting tension, and the activity itself provides much pleasure and a sense of relief.
Among impulse control disorders not associated with other mental disorders, based on the DS IV classification, a distinction is made:

  • 312.34 Periodic explosive disorder 3
  • 12.32 Kleptomania
  • 312.33 Pyromania
  • 312.31 Pathological gambling
  • 312.39 Trichotilomania
  • 312.30 Impulse control disorder, not specified

Kleptomania consists of a repetitive urge to steal not driven by material motives. The kleptomaniac does not steal in order to obtain the item in question but for the sense of pleasure and relief that accompanies taking the action (stealing).

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Pyromania is a mental disorder characterised by an irresistible urge to set fires. Pyromaniacs show an extraordinary fascination with fire and an interest in fires and their consequences. Their greatest pleasure is not so much in the act of arson itself as in witnessing a fire.

Pathological gambling is a highly destructive disorder involving an inability to stop gambling. Gamblers spend all their time at the gaming machines while neglecting their families and very often worsening their financial status, and what is worse, they are unable to stop despite being aware of the situation. Interestingly, pathological gambling is a disorder typical almost exclusively of men; only less than 5% of gamblers are women.