
In vitro - social problem or solution?

Anna Piotrowska

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In vitro - social problem or solution?


In-vitro fertilisation

In vitro is an extracorporeal assisted development technique and a symptomatic treatment for infertility.


In vitro involves several procedures that take place at the cellular level giving couples with problems conceiving a child the chance to have one. This method involves bringing about the fertilisation of an egg cell under laboratory conditions outside the mother's body.

There are many indications that qualify for this procedure.

In women:

  • permanent damage to the fallopian tubes;
  • severe form of endometriosis;
  • impaired function of the fallopian tubes.

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In men:

  • testicular damage or absence of testicles;
  • insufficient sperm production;
  • low sperm motility;
  • ejaculate containing more than 30% abnormal sperm;
  • absence of sperm in sperm;
  • aspermia- absence of sperm.

There are many types of in-vitro fertilisation. Sperm and cells from the couple trying to have a child or using a donor are used.