
Propensity to gamble - does gender have an impact here?

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Propensity to gamble - does gender have an impact here?



Addictions of all kinds, including gambling addiction, are inextricably associated with men. It is mainly men who are attributed with the tendency to these behaviours, while women are treated marginally in this topic. What is it really like with addiction, does gender play a role in the process? And if so, what role? Who is actually more susceptible to stimulants? Is there equality in the world of addiction?


Table of contents:

  1. Predisposition to addiction
  2. Gambling, that is
  3. Gambling - gender does not matter
  4. Treatment

According to specialists, addictions are characterised by complete democracy - it is not really clear what mainly influences susceptibility in this matter. What can be said for sure is that addictions are directly linked to emotions and, to be more precise, are based on problems related to them. It would seem, therefore, that women, as the more sensitive sex, will fall more quickly into addiction, including gambling addiction. However, this is not so obvious.

Important! The CBOS survey reveals that symptoms of gambling addiction are present in 5.3% of Poles over the age of 15. In addition, almost 2.2% of gamblers may have problems of this type (refers to games for money such as poker, betting).

Predisposition to addiction

The predispositions that favour the development of addiction lie mainly in the human psyche and the desire to relieve stress, to feel relaxed.

Important! According to researchers, the source of the predisposition to fall into addiction should be sought in childhood - addiction can trigger (among other things) childhood sexual abuse, physical violence. According to studies, both women and men react almost the same way in this case.

The brain itself and its structure also play an important role. It turns out that an imbalance of neurotransmitters (endogenous opioids and beta-endorphins) can influence a person to become addicted more quickly. The stimulating factor in such a case may be the experience of post-traumatic stress.

As mentioned above, emotions and their role in the whole process are not insignificant in the topic of addiction. In betting, for example, an emotionally unstable person is looking for pleasure - a way to relax and disconnect from everyday life (problems, overwork, complexes), at least for a moment.

Addiction is conditioned by factors:

  • psychological,
  • physical,
  • social.

Important! All addictions have one thing in common - the desire to make oneself feel better.

Gambling, that is

Gambling addiction (including roulette, poker and betting) is a form of pathological gambling. The affliction is defined as abnormal behaviour or loss of control over urges.

Important! The disorder is characterised by frequent and repeated gambling, which slowly but steadily begins to take control of the sufferer's life, leading to neglect of family, social as well as professional commitments.

Gambling is a devious disease that attacks suddenly. As a consequence, it can lead the addict to mental and physical ruin - destroying lives.

When describing the classification of an addiction such as gambling, it is also worth mentioning the characteristic ways of thinking of a gambler, including:

  • the special importance of money,
  • a demand for admiration,
  • predisposition to workaholism,
  • frequent symptoms of stress-induced psychosomatic disorders.

Addiction, Addiction-treatment, Gambling addiction and genderGambling addiction, photo: panthermedia

There are almost 15 million gambling addicts in the United States. In the UK, 3% of the population has a problem with this type of addiction.

Gamblers can spend huge sums of money on their 'pleasure' - often borrowing, stealing and even having sex for money to do so.

Important! In 2005, Poles spent almost PLN 6.5 billion on gambling. This amount included not only free money, but also savings and money obtained (e.g. from loans).

Gambling - gender does not matter

In fact, it is not possible to say unequivocally whether the predisposition to gambling is greater on the part of women or men.

  1. Certainly, as research has proven, women are characterised by a greater susceptibility to codependency (they live the life of the addict, fit in with him or her, save him or her from oppression, among other things).
  2. Also on the subject of the motivation that drives people to gamble, differences between the two sexes are noticeable - in the case of women, it is often the desire to boost the household budget. For men, the motivation is to evoke a pleasant, so-called thrill through gaming.

Important! According to specialists, the basis of addiction for both sexes is synonymous with happiness. Playing and winning is a way to make life more colourful. To bring a little madness into it.

The problem of gambling has been studied in detail by researchers at the Institute for Addiction Recovery in Illinois. They found that gambling addiction can be compared in its course to chemical addiction.

Important! In the body of an addicted gambler, there is less adrenaline (a hormone secreted in stressful situations) than in the body of a "healthy" person. This can contribute to the fact that the gambler has no control over his or her behaviour.

A phenomenon of concern is the tendency for multiple addictions to occur. This can be seen in both men and women, whereby, for example, a female gambler is also addicted to shopping, while a male gambler is addicted to alcohol or drugs.


Finding the underlying cause of the gambling, and persuading the patient to change their way of thinking plays an important role in the treatment - the addict can persist for a long time in a system of illusion and denial to explain their behaviour. This changes radically when he or she is tangibly affected by the effects of the addiction (e.g. bankruptcy, debts).

Therapy for the addict takes the form of psychotherapy (individual or group). Depending on the severity of the problem in the patient, inpatient treatment may be necessary.

Important! The support of those closest to the addict is extremely important in the treatment. Make the addict realise that everything can be fixed and that a life without gambling is possible.