
Slow metabolism - an obstacle to success

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Slow metabolism - an obstacle to success


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A great many people are unable to achieve the training goals they dream of and the results they are working towards because of a slow metabolism. When months and gruelling hours spent exercising do not yield results, it is worth considering the cause.


Why is it failing us?
A slow metabolism is usually the result of a poor and ill-considered diet. Hoping for spectacular and quick results, we excessively restrict the number of calories we consume in our overall diet or reduce the number of meals per day. The result is that our body switches to saving and storing. How to deal with such a situation and avoid the mistakes that lead to such problems? First of all, it is important to realise what metabolic processes are and how they work. They ensure that any food we take in is broken down and digested. Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and the remainder is excreted. A properly functioning metabolism provides our body with vital energy, which is used to regulate internal organs, the brain and maintain a constant body temperature.

The rate of metabolism depends on factors such as age, gender, body weight, genetic and hormonal conditions. Metabolic disorders and abnormalities in its functioning are the cause of excessive weight gain. These problems, linked to the above-mentioned factors and also resulting from civilisation changes, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity and inadequate diet, are a cause for concern for many people. It is also worth mentioning a disease of civilisation and its impact on the functioning of the whole organism - stress. Prolonged exposure to stress causes a complete deregulation of the hormonal economy. People who are subjected to permanent stress 'forget' to eat and do not eat for even several hours. This devastates the body.

Photo: ojoimages

What else harms us? The use of so-called hunger pangs. A sharp reduction in calorie intake is a kind of warning signal to our body that "hard times" are coming. When we eat more than we need at a given time, the body will store it as fat tissue. It is true that starvation reduces body weight - but we mainly lose muscle tissue, which is essential for burning calories. This creates a vicious circle, which is difficult to break
In order to avoid problems with a sluggish metabolism, a balanced, well-structured diet is the first step. It is worth looking into the term "postprandial thermogenesis", which means an increase in heat generation under the influence of the food consumed and, consequently, an increase in energy expenditure. Proteins are the most thermogenic, so it is important to include them in the daily menu. It is not only important what we eat, but also when - if possible, we should regulate our eating times. Research shows that meals eaten at regular times have a significantly positive effect on metabolic rate. If you have metabolic problems, you should increase the number of meals you eat (5 to 8 a day), at the expense of their volume and, of course, making sure that they are consumed regularly, at specific times