
The widow effect - when the soul suffers, the body suffers too

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The widow effect - when the soul suffers, the body suffers too


Intimacy in a relationship

Libido disorders can occur at any age. Men can develop erectile dysfunction, women can develop the so-called Widow Effect, also known in the literature as Kehrer Syndrome or the five-symptom syndrome. Kehrer Syndrome occurs in many women who do not even realise they are suffering from it. The Widow Effect can occur as a result of a number of events - self-unacceptance, dissatisfaction with a partner or nervous problems.


What is libido?

Libido is the sex drive, also known in the literature as sexual lust. Libido is nothing more than a biological response to the need for sexual gratification. The concept of the drive was introduced into general use by Sigmund Freud, who proved that the libido is the life energy.

Causes of libido problems

Libido disorders can occur at any age. It is difficult to pinpoint one particular cause for the onset of the disorder. Very often stress and fatigue are to blame for reduced libido. Sometimes, lowered libido is responsible.... Partner or girlfriend who, feeling a constant lack of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with their sex life, criticise every approximation, so that it becomes associated with a traumatic experience.

Complexes, inner dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, are often responsible for the lowered libido. Stretch marks, cellulite or dissatisfaction with one's bust, for example, can be the cause of a disturbed libido. It is not easy to accept oneself, the important thing is to try to accept it, which in time may contribute to an improvement in sexual matters. Sometimes, the causes of libido problems lie deeper in the subconscious and may be caused by the aforementioned Widow's Syndrome.

What is widow's syndrome?

Widowmaker's syndrome (Kehrer's syndrome) is referred to when a woman does not feel satisfied with her sex life, which can lead to small pelvic disorders in the woman. Kehrer syndrome essentially involves two phases.

In phase one, the greatest changes occur in the woman's psyche. The first symptom of the changes taking place is excessive physical arousal. The state of physical arousal may be accompanied by resentment, nervousness, sometimes irritability and general anger. Sometimes a woman becomes moody and tearful, and the symptoms of the first phase of widow's syndrome are confused with premenstrual tension. Unlike premenstrual syndrome, the symptoms do not cease but, on the contrary, become increasingly bothersome, so that normal functioning is no longer possible.

photo: panthermedia

Phase two of widow's syndrome is associated with the appearance of a number of disorders related to problems that affect the pelvis. A common symptom that appears in the second phase is emerging abdominal pain and sacral pain.

Thesymptoms are so non-specific that, as with phase I symptoms, they are mistaken for an impending menstruation. Another symptom that may suggest the onset of Kehrer's Syndrome is the appearance of haemorrhoids and rectal varices. Sometimes varicose veins reach the labia, the small pelvis and even the area under the thighs. The third symptom that accompanies stage two is vaginal and vulvar itching, with purulent discharge appearing. In the next stage, the walls of the uterus become distorted - they begin to thicken, mucus ceases to appear and menstruation may stop. The last possible symptom is increasing pain in the sacro uterine ligaments accompanied by cramps.