dr n. med. Magdalena Justyna Kacperska
Content added by the author (1486):
Dislocation and eruption of milk teeth - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
A baby's intelligence drinking breast milk - truth or myth?
A hairy tongue with a black coating - what does it indicate?
A new receptor to combat the symptoms of senile dementia?
A tooth in a newborn baby and the need to remove it
Ablation - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Abortion - still a very controversial topic!
Abscesses in the oral cavity
Acalculia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Acne and contraceptive pills
Acrophobia, fear of heights - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Acute laryngeal dyspnoea in children
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children
Acute Mountain Sickness - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Acute purulent meningitis - causes
Acute transverse myelitis
Addiction - what is it and can we become addicted to everything around us?
Addiction to another person
Addiction to electronic devices
Addictive drugs - how to recognise if a child has used them?