Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD as it is commonly known, has been extensively researched by doctors and psychologists over the past decades. For a very long time, it was thought to be a neurological disorder that only affected the youngest children. Now there is no doubt that in more than two-thirds of children with ADHD, the disorder syndrome will also cause specific problems in adulthood. The most common symptoms include poor concentration, impulsivity and hyperactivity, referred to as hyperactivity. ADHD is also a problem with judging the importance of stimuli and blocking out irrelevant information.
Researchers agree that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has a chronic course and can affect people of all ages.
It is assumed that biological factors are the cause of ADHD, and that the disorder causes changes in 'processing' in the brain. What should we be concerned about? Insufficient attention span, difficulty concentrating on the task at hand and notorious forgetfulness. In adults, the disorder is often accompanied by depression, which makes a correct diagnosis difficult.
A detailed diagnostic examination by a clinical psychologist and a medical specialist is necessary to determine what is wrong. During this, it is determined, among other things, which subtype of ADHD we are dealing with. Most often, attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominate. It is worth remembering that, regardless of the age at which the diagnosis is made, ADHD requires treatment and therapy. This is the only way to drastically improve the quality of life of a person struggling with this disorder. Regular psychotherapy gives very good results, but pharmacological treatmentcarried out under the supervision of a psychiatrist is also extremely effective.
Knowledge of the prevalence of ADHD in adults is increasingly widespread among doctors, making it easier to make an accurate diagnosis.
Most often, patients who seek help suspect depression, neurosis or personality disorders. It is always advisable to consult a specialist doctor or a certified psychologist and psychotherapist. It is also important to remember that a visit to a psychiatrist is financed by the National Health Service and that you do not need a referral from your GP in order to see one. The same applies to therapy, although in this case the waiting time is relatively long.
The medications that are most commonly administered to treat ADHD in adults are effective and well known in the treatment of children and adolescents. Unfortunately, in Poland, the two most popular drugs used to treat ADHD arestill not reimbursed for adult treatment. This makes pharmacotherapy sometimes quite expensive. Particularly in cases where drugs are administered not only for the disorder itself, but also for depression or so-called mood stabilisers.