
Blue Line: Family without help

doctor Zofia Pelc

In December, the National Emergency Service for Victims of Family Violence "Blue Line" in Warsaw (ul. Szczotkarska 48a) will hold educational lectures open to all and free of charge as part of the "Family without Violence" programme, funded by the City Hall of Warsaw.

4 December, 17:00 - 18:30
"Is it possible to raise without spanking. Conflict resolution - cooperation with children."
Marcin Koczyk

11 December, 17:00 - 18:30
"Rights and obligations of spouses - family law."
Aleksandra Kowalak

18 December, 17:00 - 18:30
"Victims and perpetrators of violence - what fosters recovery from situations of domestic violence."
Grażyna Strupińska
