
Blue Line: Interpersonal communication without violence

doctor Zofia Pelc

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The National Emergency Service for Victims of Family Violence Blue Line is organising a workshop Interpersonal Communication without Violence - about speaking, listening to be understood and understood.

27 August 2004, 15:00-20:00
28 August 2004, 9:00-18:00

Monika Lakowska and Mariusz Moderdski

blue Line headquarters
48a Szczotkarska Street, Warsaw

To participate in the marathon you need to:
(1) sign up on the list of those willing to participate at the Blue Line secretariat (in person or by phone - tel. 022 666 10 36)
(2) attend a meeting (23 August 2004, 17:00)

Those who decide to take part in the workshops are required to attend all the classes. Participation in the classes will be free of charge - the workshops will be financed by the Office of the Capital City of Warsaw.
