
Electronic devices and their impact on children's development

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Electronic devices and their impact on children's development


Anger in a 4-year-old

Nowadays, we are exposed to electronic screens most of the time - after all, we use mobile phones, computers, televisions and tablets on a daily basis. Ithas long been known that too much use of electronic devices by young children can have a negative impact on their development, as was also shown by University of California researchers , who analysed how time spent in front of electronic screens affects the ability of young children to control their own behaviour .


In fact, most people are not at all aware of how much time they spend in front of the screens of various electronic devices. Instead, the US CDC reports that children between the ages of 8 and 10 can interact with phones, computers and other devices for six hours a day, and kids between the ages of 11 and 14 for up to nine hours a day. It has been mentioned for some time that too much time spent using electronic equipment can have a negative impact on children's development, a study carried out by researchers in the United States confirms.

The analysis was based on data from 56 children - the patients were between 32 and 47 months old at the start of the work, and the study lasted for 2.5 years. The researchers obtained data from the parents of the children studied at what age they had their first contact with electronic devices. In addition to this, they conducted tests to assess the patients' ability to control their behaviour in terms of, among other things, planning various activities.

After analysing all the data obtained, it turned out that the earlier the children started using electronic devices, the lower their capacity for self-control. This ability is considered to be linked, among other things, to the ability to learn at school later in life, so parents should definitely be cautious about their youngest children playing with phones, tablets and other devices.