
Sensible computer programme for drinking students

doctor Zofia Pelc

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Sensible computer programme for drinking students


Working in front of a computer

'Alcohol 101 Plus' is a new computer programme developed by the US alcohol industry with students in mind. It shows the effects of alcohol consumption, methods of dealing with peer pressure. It teaches how to drink in a sensible way.
With the help of the programme, students can take a journey through a virtual college town and see the consequences of drinking alcohol. The programme also allows them to calculate their blood alcohol concentration (based on their weight and the amount of alcohol consumed).
"Students who use the programme change their behaviour," - says David Anderson, professor at George Mason University.
The programme is mainly aimed at students in high-risk areas: first-year students, members of student societies and fraternities, athletes, and students who break dorm drinking regulations.
'Alcohol 101 Plus' is currently in use on approximately 1,200 US campuses. It is distributed free of charge to colleges and universities.
