Statistics clearly show that currently in Poland, sudden life and health emergencies are cardiovascular diseases first, followed by strokes. Meanwhile, there is little or even no awareness of the symptoms indicative of a stroke. In contrast, even 18-year-olds end up in hospital Emergency Departments with stroke. Nowadays, the disease is diagnosed even earlier, already in children. These are the youngest after a COVID-19 infection, which increases the risk of thromboembolism.
Stroke is the result of a disruption of the vascular walls due to vasodilation, congenital heart defects or abnormalities in heart rhythm and coagulation. Embolism results in the brain not receiving adequate oxygen. So what symptoms are indicative of a possible stroke? First of all, speech disorders - if the patient communicates unclearly or is unable to talk at all. Other symptoms include sudden facial asymmetry, impaired consciousness, weakness in the limbs and difficulty with balance.
Treatment of stroke
It is important to emphasise that time is of the essence in stroke treatment - the sooner treatment is undertaken, the better the chances of minimising the effects. Much depends on the quick response of the family or patient and the timing of the call for help. Then the appropriate response of the ambulance dispatcher and the emergency medical team that arrived on the scene is important.
Rescue operations
When a stroke is suspected, the paramedics immediately alert the medical staff of the hospital to which the patient will be transported. As a result, a team specialised in rapid diagnosis and immediate implementation of treatment is already ready at the facility. According to current standards and recommendations of the European Stroke Association, the most effective treatment is causal treatment. This consists of intravenous administration of the drug RTPA and thrombolytic treatment and the use of mechanical thrombectomy. In a nutshell, this process consists of chemical dissolution of the formed clots and mechanical unclogging of the vessels.
With this treatment, the effects of the stroke are minimised or even nullified. Unfortunately, it is not possible to implement this treatment method in all patients. It also happens that, despite the efforts of doctors, the expected effect is not achieved. It all depends on a number of factors, but above all, it is the speed at which the patient comes under the care of a specialist that is decisive.