Obesity in children is a growing health problem. The role of parents is extremely important in shaping proper nutrition in children. In prevention and treatment, proper diet, physical activity and the education of correct eating behaviour are the most important. The aim of the diet is to maintain a normal weight in relation to height, sex and age and to reduce weight if necessary.
Obesity in children - Symptoms and course
Meals should be varied, small in size (so as not to stretch the stomach unnecessarily) and eaten at set times so that the child does not feel hungry and does not have to reach for unhealthy snacks. Meals should be eaten together with the family, at the table, not in front of the television. The child must eat breakfast every day - it is the most important meal of the day and should give a large boost of energy. It should consist of whole-grain, dark bread, rich in fibre, vegetables or whole-grain oatmeal (instead of sugar-sweetened sweet ones) together with low-fat milk. Children who do not eat breakfast are more likely to reach for unhealthy snacks rich in salt and sugar (biscuits, yeast, crisps, salty sticks).
Children need to consume adequate amounts of calcium. This can come from milk (preferably with a lower fat content (approx. 2 %)). Above 9 years of age it should be limited to 3 cups a day. The majority of fats consumed should come from fish, nuts, vegetable oils and soft margarines. These should be chosen over butter, lard and animal fats.
Salt should be limited in foods. A low-salt diet should be introduced in the child from the beginning in order to develop good eating habits in adulthood (avoiding adding salt). Avoid fizzy drinks, fruit drinks, sugar-sweetened drinks. The diet should be rich in fruit and vegetables (preferably 5 portions a day). It is important to remember that fruit juices are not the same as fruit and vegetables. Juices are rich in sweeteners, sugar and are a source of so-called empty calories. They should be limited. They do not stimulate the satiety centre and the child is constantly hungry. The consumption of sweets, restaurant food and fast food must be limited.
When to go to the doctor and treat
If, in spite of a healthy diet and physical activity, your child is overweight, you should seek advice from a dietician.