
Menopause and insomnia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Menopause and insomnia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Quarrel in bed

Insomnia, frequent awakening, difficulty sleeping, waking too early, restless sleep occurring in menopausal women.


Symptoms and course insomnia during the menopause

Sleep disorders are one of the symptoms of menopausal syndrome occurring around the age of 50, resulting from changes in the concentration of sex hormones during this period, and the natural ageing of the body. In addition to mental disorders, which include sleep problems, vasomotor disorders such as hot flashes and night sweats also occur during this period. These disorders usually occur together.

It is worth noting that one may be the cause of the appearance of the other. Insomnia may lead to excessive fatigue, irritability, weakness, loss of will to live, while hot flashes, occurring most frequently at night, may become the cause of sleep disorders. Excessive fatigue caused by insufficient sleep can significantly affect the comfort of life and limit life activities.

When to go to the doctor and treat insomnia during the menopause?

If the first symptoms of menopause appear, it is worth seeing a doctor. Early introduction of an appropriate hormone therapy will make it possible to go through this period more smoothly and minimise the discomforts of menopause.

If sleep disturb ances make it difficult to function properly, medical consultation is essential, as neglect of this condition may result in worsening of psychosomatic symptoms, which may lead to deep depression or even cause mental illness. It may be necessary to consult not only a gynaecologist, who may suggest starting hormone replacement therapy, but also a psychiatrist.

Treatment insomnia during the menopause

There are many ways to deal with sleep problems. Not only changes in certain eating habits but also in lifestyle become helpful. In order to improve the quality of sleep, caffeinated drinks and alcohol should be avoided in the evening, you should always get up at the same time, go to bed only when you feel sleepy and avoid an afternoon nap. A walk in the fresh air, moderate exercise and a relaxing bath before bed can also contribute to a restful night's sleep.

Aromatherapy, herbal medicine or homeopathy play a significant role in the fight against insomnia. Herbs that reduce sleep disturbances include elderberry flowers, valerian roots, valerian, valerian, lemon balm and hops. Compound preparations that contain plant substances called phytoestrogens are also worth recommending.