
Tooth implants - what are they?

Tooth implants - what are they?


Checking the condition of teeth

A dental implant is an artificial root, which is made of e.g. titanium and its size resembles a natural root. Thanks to this type of solution it is possible to add (place) a crown (artificial tooth). They are used in the case of tooth loss or more natural teeth.


Tooth implants - Symptoms and course

What should a dental implant be like?

Before deciding to place a dental implant(s), it is necessary to choose a good, experienced dentist. Such an implant should be very durable, not stand out from other (natural) teeth, have an appropriate colour selection and, importantly, perform its function as well as possible.

It is also worth paying attention to the external appearance of the implant after it has been placed (its shape, thickness, etc.), as it should be as similar as possible to the teeth next to it. The dental implant should not stand out.

How does the placement of a dental implant proceed?

The process of placing a dental implant is not a simple one, requiring surgical interventions and long, thorough and meticulous work by the dentist.
Before the implant is placed, it is necessary to take a photo to illustrate what the bone looks like and whether its thickness, structure and condition are sufficient to place the implant. Once this photo has been taken, the dentist will decide whether the procedure will be carried out.

If the decision is successful, a local anaesthetic will be administered to the patient, rarely a total anaesthetic. The first stage is to drill a hole in the bone into which the implant will be screwed. This procedure is carried out by the dental surgeon. Once the surgeon is satisfied that the procedure has been carried out correctly, he sews up the wound. The healing process takes between three and six months, depending on the location of the implant in the jaw.

In the next stage, which takes place after the wound has healed, the dentist removes the implant and inserts a so-called healing screw. This is followed by a regeneration process lasting up to 14 days.
The final stage of the implant procedure is the taking of impressions and the subsequent fitting of the artificial tooth. This is matched to the teeth present in the mouth.

When to go to the doctor and cure

If any problems arise after the completion of the dental implant procedure, it is essential to contact the dentist.