
4 February - World Cancer Day

Material prepared in cooperation with the Beskydy Medical Association.

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4 February - World Cancer Day


Breast cancer in women

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Poland and Europe. Due to the steady systematic decrease in deaths from cardiovascular diseases, they are likely to become our main killer in the coming years. Doctors unanimously agree that prevention is an effective form of combating this disease of civilisation.


Despite these grim statistics, doctors have made great strides in understanding the biology of cancer cells and are constantly improving their ability to diagnose and treat cancer. But rather than simply waiting for a breakthrough, there is much you can do to protect yourself now. The most important thing is prevention, including performing regular check-ups, screening tests that can help detect lesions even when cancer is not yet showing any symptoms. Here are some of the basic preventive examinations available at medical facilities across the country, as well as preventive recommendations to help us enjoy good health into old age.

Preventive examinations

For ladies aged 25-59, regular visits to the gynaecologist and a cytological examination every three years are recommended to rule out insidious cancers of the reproductive organs. In addition, mammography for ladies aged 50-69 every two years as a screening for breast cancer. These examinations are financed by the National Health Fund.
Both men and women aged 50-65 are recommended to have a colonoscopy once every 10 years, i.e. an examination of the entire large intestine using a flexible endoscope. The examination serves to assess the condition of the colonic mucosa and should be performed even without gastrointestinal symptoms.

photo: pantherstock

Men between the ages of 15 and 35 are advised to have a periodic testicular examination by a doctor. Men over the age of 50 should undergo regular screening for colorectal cancer, and should see a urologist for a check-up for possible prostate cancer. Anyone with risk factors such as a family history of these cancers should start both processes even earlier, after the age of 40.