
A snoring child and upper respiratory problems

A snoring child and upper respiratory problems


Child's sleep

Does your child snore? Snoring can have many causes - a blocked nose, a cold, dryness in the nasal cavity. However, snoring can also be caused by an upper airway problem.


Table of contents:

  1. What is snoring?
  2. The most common causes of snoring in children
  3. Snoring and sleep apnoea
  4. What to do when a child snores?

What is snoring?

Snoring is a characteristic sound that is caused by vibrations in the upper airway. The vibrations are caused by the obstructed movement of air during sleep. The vibration of the throat tissue and how fast the air flows influences the loudness of snoring. It is estimated that snoring 3 to 5 times a week may affect about 8 % of preschool children. Snoring is most often related to the deep phase of sleep and is nothing to worry about. However, if the problem escalates, it is worth consulting a doctor to verify whether there is a medical problem behind the snoring.

The most common causes of snoring in children

The most common causes of snoring in children include:

  • Abnormal structure of the tonsils - enlarged palatine tonsils, hypertrophy of the so-called third tonsil (i.e. the pharyngeal tonsil). Hypertrophied tonsils block the airways, making it difficult to breathe freely.
  • Bacterial or viral infections of the respiratory tract - a blocked nose or runny nose cause difficulties in breathing, so that the child breathes through the mouth. This way of breathing promotes snoring.
  • Problems with laryngeal flaccidity (also known as laryngomalacia) - the characteristic wheezing, wheezing and breathing problems may indicate laryngeal flaccidity. This type of problem is most common in infants and newborns.
  • Allergy-induced swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa
  • Abnormal nasal septum - a crooked nasal septum means that air does not flow properly through the nose, causing the child to start snoring
  • Other causes - polyps in the nose, foreign body in the nose, overuse of nasal medication

Snoring and sleep apnoeaLaryngeal flaccidity, Laryngomalacia, Sleep apnoea, Snoring

Snoring can be associated with what is known as obstructive sleep apnoea. The condition of sleep apnoea, or reduced airflow or pauses in breathing (lasting from a few seconds to minutes), contributes to a decrease in oxygen. Oxygen deprivation gives a signal to the brain, which sends out nerve impulses that force the child to make an effort to try to catch his or her breath - this triggers wheezing, snorting, and greedy 'swallowing' of air.

Undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnoea contributes to behavioural problems - children suffering from apnoea learn less well and have problems concentrating. Sleep apnoea can also affect stunted growth and the onset of cardiovascular problems.

Laryngeal flaccidity, Laryngomalacia, Sleep apnoea, SnoringSnoring in a child, photo: shutterstock

What can you do when your child snores?

If your child snores and you are concerned, consult your paediatrician, who may refer your child to an ENT specialist who will check the condition of the tonsils. In the case of a confirmed allergy, the doctor may prescribe steroids or antihistamines to help the child breathe properly. It is also worth verifying in which position the child sleeps - remember that too many pillows (i.e. sleeping at too high a height) is not advisable and can contribute to snoring. It is also worth noting whether the room in which the child sleeps is also adequately ventilated, and whether there is no cigarette smoke in the air, for example, which hinders proper breathing. If sleep apnoea is suspected, it is worth considering a polysomnographic study, which is carried out while the patient is asleep. It is a test based on monitoring the EEG during sleep, verifying parameters of blood saturation, nasal airflow, chest and abdominal mobility and carbon dioxide partial pressure.

Remember - snoring is not always a sign of disease, but it is worth verifying the cause of the problem!