
Are energy vampires really sucking the energy out of us?

Sabina Maćkowicz

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Modern vampires no longer feed on blood, but on the energy and emotions of other people. It is also not easy to recognise them, as they can effectively take over our minds, causing us to become entangled in relationships with them and to become psychologically weaker and weaker.


How do you recognise a 'psychic vampire'?

A psychic vampire can actually turn out to be anyone, from a family member to a best friend. People who are described as "energy vampires" feed on the emotions of others, even preying on their feelings. Since even the closest person can turn out to be one, we are often unable to avoid contact with people with such predispositions. So how do we protect ourselves from them?

Step one: recognise who you are dealing with!

Being caught up in a relationship with an energy vampire causes a person to feel extremely tired and drained. This is in fact the first signal the body sends out to warn us of this acquaintance. In addition to ailments indicating chronic fatigue, somatic complaints such as pain or dizziness may also occur. Why does this happen?

Because a relationship with an energy vampire develops in one direction, it is directed only at the person and feelings of the "vampire". Such people try to direct the conversation and all the attention of the interlocutor to their own person, while completely disregarding the feelings of the other person. Psychic vampires demand constant attention and involvement from the other party, while expecting you to devote all your time to them, even if you don't feel like it. This is when they may engage in harassing phone calls, emails or simply stalking us in our own home. Contact with such a person becomes tiresome and unpleasant in the long run.

One thing that should make us wonder now is: how is it possible to start an acquaintance with such a person at all? Well, at the beginning of an acquaintance, the situation is not so clear and bright. At first sight, energy vampires present themselves as intelligent and brilliant people, but their behaviour does not reveal what they are hiding under the mask of a sympathetic and understanding person. This is because before they reveal their true face to us, some time passes, which they spend getting to know each other, establishing bonds and gaining our trust.

The initial relationship with an energy vampire can be likened to a smokescreen, as these people perfectly create the whole environment, showing off their brilliance and grandeur, which, as it turns out later, is only a cover for their selfishness and desire to use others for their own benefit. Such a situation, in effect, means that we ourselves do not know when we are actually caught up in the vortex of a destructive relationship.

Emotional vampires are often unaware of the destructive effect they are having on those around them. Often the basis for such behaviour is a mental disorder in the way they perceive and interpret both themselves and other people, but also in the intensity of their emotional reactions and their functioning and control.

People described as emotional vampires therefore live in the belief that their needs are more important than those of those around them. Furthermore, they believe that all social rules apply to everyone but them, and that the domain of making mistakes is attributed to everyone but them. Other characteristics of psychic vampires are impatience, blind pursuit of a goal and starting a ruckus whenever something does not go their way.