
Are energy vampires really sucking the energy out of us?

Sabina Maćkowicz

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Modern vampires no longer feed on blood, but on the energy and emotions of other people. It is also not easy to recognise them, as they can effectively take over our minds, causing us to become entangled in relationships with them and to become psychologically weaker and weaker.


Different types of emotional vampires

Every vampire exhibits similar traits, however, the degree of severity varies, which is why psychologists divide psychic vampires into several types:

1) Narcissistic vampires

These are usually non-empathic egotists who need constant admiration and love. It is significant, however, that they themselves are unable to offer others what they expect from those around them. In turn, as soon as something does not go their way, they turn from a wonderful and warm person into a cold and emotionless egocentric.

2) Vampire victim

This type of person lives in the knowledge that everyone and everything is against them, that they are the real unlucky ones. Because of this perception of reality and of themselves, they believe that they cannot be happy in life and strive for self-fulfilment, thus burdening others with their problems. Crucially, they reject any desire to help, as any argument is dismissed by them for any reason, just so that the vampire-victim can return to self-pity.

3) Controlling vampires

Controlling vampires, as the name suggests, seek to have everyone and everything under control at all costs.

4) Borderline vampires

For this type of vampire, everything is considered in terms of black or white, there is never anything in between for them. Such people idealise their victims one moment, only to treat them with hostility the next, for no apparent reason. They very often quarrel with one another, and when someone has made a mistake, they are ruthless towards them.

Don't give in! Defeat the vampire!

You can defend yourself against any type of vampire, you just need to know the Achilles heel of each one. Therefore, if we are dealing with a narcissistic vampire, we should show sober thinking and decisive reactions. It is mainly about standing firm and having realistic expectations of the destructive person. You should not get involved in such a destructive relationship, and certainly not confide in such a person about your problems and treat them as your confidant.

Conversely, in relation to the vampire-victim, we should set clear boundaries and be consistent when situations continue. When the person does not want to take the advice we have given him or her, end the conversation and do not allow yourself to be manipulated until the person is ready to take radical steps to change his or her bad situation.

You can win over a controlling vampire by being assertive. In this case, avoid trying to tame this type of person, but try to behave diplomatically and, most importantly, decisively. When the controlling vampire directs any orders or prohibitions in our direction, we should emphasise our willingness to make a decision on our own, maintaining all confidence, as even the slightest hesitation on our part can be exploited by the vampire.

When confronted with a bordenline vampire, we should remember to remain calm and not to give in to provocation. This is because this type feeds on negative emotions and will therefore certainly try to react with aggression. One should keep one's distance as well as beware of supporting either side in a conflict.

Energy vampires live among us and, what is worse, they only reveal their manipulative and destructive predispositions after some time, when we are already involved and entangled in a relationship that is dangerous for us. Nevertheless, we should remain vigilant with every new acquaintance and take all signals, even the smallest ones, seriously. We should also remember that the key to breaking a destructive relationship is our strength, self-confidence and decisive behaviour.