
Baby's first baths

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Baby's first baths


Baby after bathing

For the first nine months, the baby's natural environment in its mother's belly is water. It is therefore no surprise that all newborns love bathing and it is one of the most pleasant daily rituals that parents subject their newborn babies to.


Preparing the bath

Before bathing, we give babies a preliminary toilet on the changing table. First, use a sterile swab soaked in camomile to wash the eyes from the outside of the eyelid to the central corner. A separate swab should be used for each eye. Wash the baby's face with a cotton swab dipped in camomile infusion or boiled water. Finally, the folds behind the ears should be washed with a cotton swab and the ears should be gently cleaned with a cotton bud soaked in baby oil. Before bathing, the baby's nose should also be cleaned of secretions. To do this use a special pearl, which, like camomile, creams, oils, ointments, gauze pads, etc., can be bought from a pharmacy. When cleaning the left nostril, the right nostril should be covered and vice versa. Only now can we undress the baby and proceed with the bath.


Bracing the baby's neck and head with one hand, place them carefully in the water, and with the other hand soap the baby's body with a special flannel. If the baby's skin is extremely sensitive, it is possible, in the first weeks or even months of life, to wash the baby in water alone with the addition of camomile. Start with the baby 's head, hands and feet, then wash the tummy and back and finally the bottom. The baby's bath should not take too long, 2-3 minutes is enough.

The baby's toilet continues

After removing your baby from the bath, wrap him or her in a towel and thoroughly dry every fold of skin. Then all folds of skin under the arms, in the groin, behind the ears and finally also the head. - Ideally, the towel should be made of cotton terry, which has a high water absorption capacity and is very soft. A soft towel with a hood wraps and dries the baby thoroughly without irritating the delicate skin," says Karolina Stradomska from a company that makes, among other things, bath coverings for babies. Afterwards, the head should be brushed with a soft brush, even if the baby has little hair, as brushing is a massage for the scalp to stimulate blood circulation.

photo: panthermedia

In babies that are a few months old you can start using special baby creams. If redness and a few pustules appear in the groin or anal area - signs of chafing - the irritated areas should be treated with a soothing ointment. When buying accessories and care products for your baby, make sure that they are approved for a certain age. Older children can be bathed in the bath with the addition of baby bath liquid. The lotions come in different fragrances, usually fruity, and also contain vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the skin.