
Cosmetic dentistry

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Cosmetic dentistry


Dental condition

Over the years, dentistry has evolved with the development of technology and medicine, as well as with the increased availability of a wide range of materials. A new field of dentistry has emerged, namely cosmetic dentistry, which takes an interdisciplinary approach to the problem or expectation with which a patient comes to the doctor's surgery. On the other hand, there is an ever-growing trend towards improving one's own appearance and thus one's own well-being.



Based on the results of a study carried out by the author of the article Aesthetic dentistry in current socio-economic conditions and its impact on hygiene and self-esteem in treated patients on the basis of questionnaire and clinical studies [1], which is a concise version of the doctoral thesis accepted by the Council of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Pomeranian Academy of Medicine in Szczecin, certain correlations can be presented in the context of patients' perception of aesthetic dentistry.

The described research, which was carried out using a prospective method, involved 50 people who were interested in using cosmetic dentistry services. According to the aforementioned study, the main people interested in services in this field were women, however, as the author notes - when reviewing other studies in this direction, some are dominated by women and others by men. It was also noted that the psychological aspect is particularly important for patients at a younger age who are economically active and who declare themselves to be single, but the marital status of the people surveyed was not a very significant factor. Common knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle and aesthetic appearance is predominant among people with higher education, which was also confirmed in the study conducted by the author of the aforementioned article. More than half of the respondents had a university education. Similarly, financial capabilities were important for half of the respondents, who declared using mostly private services in this area, but about 30% of people declared using different types of services (private and reimbursed) depending on resources and financial capabilities [1].