
Daily life of patients with epilepsy

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Daily life of patients with epilepsy


Epilepsy, epilepsy

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases. In Poland, the number of patients reaches 400,000. It involves a temporary disturbance in the function of a group of nerve cells, concentrated in a specific part of the brain, leading to a seizure. There are disruptions in the transmission of impulses and discharge. They can start in different parts of the brain, most often affecting the temporal and frontal lobes, less often the occipital and parietal lobes.


School activity

Children with epilepsy often cannot make the most of educational opportunities. The main reasons for this are adverse effects of the medication they are taking, lowered expectations, overprotection and dismissal from school activities. They are also exposed to higher levels of stress due to fear of seizures and the reaction of peers.
If there are increasing difficulties at school, the child should be given opportunities to learn, and time should be organised so that classes are not too much of a burden. The atmosphere should be calm and friendly. The child must not be dismissed from physical education classes or physical play. Care must only be taken to avoid overload.
A very important element is to provide information to the teachers, mainly about the triggers of the seizure, the medication taken and the management of the seizure.
Do not give in to suggestions to take the child out of school, implement an individual course of study or transfer to a so-called special school. Such a decision should be well thought out and supported by a psychologist's opinion. A good solution in many cases is for the child to attend an integrated class. There are usually fewer children and more teaching staff.

Sport and physical activity

Lower levels of activity are usually due to fear of seizure, danger of injury and death. Movement improves mood and self-esteem. If seizures are well controlled there are no contraindications to playing many sports.
Patients with epilepsy should be encouraged to swim, but remember that they should always be accompanied by someone who is aware of the condition and is a qualified lifeguard. Cycling is also a safe and relaxing sport. It should always be done with a protective helmet.
Extreme sports such as climbing, diving or skydiving are not recommended.

Epilepsy patients at work

Epilepsy significantly hinders entry into work and career development. Patients often face discrimination, mainly due to a lack of knowledge about the disease. Work, on the other hand, not only provides a source of livelihood, but improves self-esteem and gives a sense of belonging to a social group. Non-working patients fear lack of acceptance and that no one will be able to help them if a seizure occurs. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate seizures and raise public awareness of epilepsy. Appropriate, individual therapy makes it possible to control seizures in up to 70 % of patients.