
Do you know the age of your eyes?

Cappuccino Public Relations, Press release

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Do you know the age of your eyes?



We are not always aware of it or do not pay attention to it, but our eyes age with us. Increasingly, eye problems are appearing much sooner and affecting us earlier than previously defined by medicine.

With the help of an expert - ophthalmologist Dr Alicja Dreksler-Tkacz from the Weiss Klinik hospital in Chorzów - we will try to answer questions about the ageing of our eyes, vision problems and changes that occur with age.


How the world becomes less colourful, clear and contrasting Firstly, as we age, the pupil becomes smaller and less sensitive to light. As a result, less of it reaches the retina which interferes with the ability to see properly. The reduced diameter of the pupil makes it more difficult to see objects in a darkened area. The eye also no longer adjusts as quickly to differences in light intensity, explains Dr Dreksler-Tkacz. P

secondly, the lens also loses its elasticity - just as it does with our muscles - and becomes thicker, harder and heavier. Difficulties arise in adjusting focus to objects at close distances. It also becomes more yellow so that colour perception is disturbed. Most eye conditions today can be cured or the symptoms alleviated and comfort restored. It is important to contact your doctor at the first sign of worrying changes.

Modern treatment methods - laser vision correction, intraocular lens implantation or surgery - make it possible to effectively halt the effects of the ageing of our eyes.