
Exercise and hydration: advice for pregnant mums and their babies

Press release: Fly PR

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The physical effort involved in pregnancy and childbirth can be compared to that of an athlete who takes part in a marathon and prepares for it the whole year before. Pregnant women should therefore take special care of all aspects of their own fitness during this period - both by eating a good diet and drinking plenty of water, as well as by giving their bodies a daily dose of exercise at the right intensity. Agnieszka Bajer-Ciszewska, an experienced fitness trainer and nutrition specialist, discusses how to properly complete this pre-natal training.


Water is not the same as water

What water is recommended for an expectant mother to drink? - Pregnant women should avoid coffee, tea and fizzy drinks. Both the type of water and the amount consumed per day are important, says the expert. - One of the most important nutrients during this period is minerals, but it is standard to take supplements containing them, so we can safely drink low- or medium-mineralised water , she adds. Far more important than this aspect is the low sodium content of the water we consume, as it is the main culprit responsible for
responsible for fluid retention in the body. This effect of excess sodium can cause blood pressure to rise dangerously.

If exercise, what kind of exercise?

- There is no point in fooling ourselves - during pregnancy we are much heavier and therefore more heavy, and we are carrying a special and fragile treasure whose safety should be our priority. Therefore, before undertaking any physical activity, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will adjust the programme of physical activity to our health condition and individual aspects related to it -advises Agnieszka Bajer Ciszewska.

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However, there are activities that are better to give up at the beginning, such as competitive sports (for obvious reasons), sports in which we may lose our balance, such as horse riding or cycling, as well as gym exercises or jogging - also in the initial period, when the belly is not yet visible.

-Running can easily be replaced by Nordic walking or dancing, and other activities can be undertaken in yoga classes or during gentle aerobic exercises, recommends our expert. However, the quintessential physical activity during pregnancy should be swimming - as it allows you to strengthen your muscles, make your circulatory system more flexible, oxygenate your brain and, most importantly, improve your physical condition without investing a lot of effort.