
Feng Shui - the way to harmony

Katarzyna Kurek Source: Thomas Frohling, Katrin Martin "Feng Shui - the best method of home and flat design"

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Feng Shui - the way to harmony



That our space at home and at work affects people has been known for a long time.


The particular effect of our surroundings on our well-being or ill-being was discovered by the Chinese 4000 years ago. They called the extensive science feng shui, which means wind and water. For the Chinese, wind is the energy that brings water, without which nothing grows, but at the same time, too much wind can destroy and a flood can submerge fields, so it is all about harmony and cooperation between the forces that affect us.

Feng shui is about living in harmony with the forces of nature, a healthy human mind, a sense of beauty and aesthetics, as well as order and functionality. Fengshui is also an art that is about soothing, stimulating, balancing and finding the golden mean. The positioning of certain objects such as mirrors in the rooms of the house is not without significance.

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According to feng shui, a mirror in the bedroom, for example, has a stimulating effect on love, but during sleep it should be covered and should not be located opposite the bed (e.g. on the wardrobe). Not without significance for feng shui is which side of the bed we sleep on. The Chinese say that a man should always lie on his left side, so that he is recognised and needed in his role.