
Flowers at home

Natalia Heczko

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Flowers at home


Watering flowers

Flowers accompany us practically at every turn. In the meadow, in the front garden, at school and work or in the flat - they are everywhere.


Positive mood

They accompany us at the most important moments of our lives, such as weddings, birthdays or anniversaries. We receive them as an apology, a gift or out of sheer affection. At home, on the balcony or on the terrace, they are always an interior decoration.

They beautify a room and have a positive effect on our mood. They can be grown anywhere. Even in the kitchen or bathroom there is room for them, you just have to take their needs into account.

Where to put...

Before you decide to buy plants, you need to choose a suitable location for them. The most common solution is to place them where they look nice or where there is space. Unfortunately, this is not a good solution, because flowers are very demanding in this respect. Houseplants mainly need light and moisture in order to grow properly, because without these they die. The requirements depend on the species we choose.

The intensity of the light and the length of time during the day are important. Flowering plants, for example, need more light than plants with ornamental foliage. Ferns, philodendrons or asparagus will thrive in a warm and humid room, while cacti and succulents really like a southern exposure. Light-loving plants include achimenes, agave, aloe, ficus, mimosa, oleander or geranium. Definitely dark-loving is ivy, myrtle, begonia with ornamental leaves or asparagus.