
How has coronavirus affected our psyche?

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How has coronavirus affected our psyche?


Pandemic virus

The emergence of the dangerous disease COVID-19. The fear of falling ill. Isolation due to quarantine - all of these have affected our mental state. We suggest how to cope with stress and where to seek help.


Table of contents:

  1. The effects of isolation on the body
  2. How to protect your mental health?
  3. Summary

The current epidemic situation is not insignificant for our well-being - it can cause fear and anxiety. In addition, already existing neurotic conditions can be exacerbated.

The effects of isolation on the body

There are scientific reports that show that social isolation causes an increase in acute phase proteins in the blood: C-reactive protein and fibrinogen.

Increased levels of inflammatory markers are the body's natural response to infection or injury - its goal is mobilisation and survival in a state of emergency. Scientists explain the emergence of this phenomenon in people deprived of opportunities for contact with other people - an evolutionary mechanism. Being part of a large community allows one to feel more secure, as it reduces the risk of serious injury or death from a potential predator. A lone individual is more vulnerable - he or she is an easier target for a predator and will not receive quick help if injured.

An individual who remains isolated may develop, typical of the stress response, increased activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.The result is elevated levels of inflammatory markers. The body thus adapts to the increased risk of experiencing trauma to increase the likelihood of survival under adverse conditions. In people who are in contact with other people, there is no need for this and levels of acute phase proteins are lower in them.

Important! Long-term inflammation is bad for health and can lead to a higher risk of developing conditions such as ischaemic heart disease, stroke and depression, among others.

Anxiety-and-nervousness, Insomnia, PsychicsWorking during the Covid-19 pandemic, photo: panthermedia

It is therefore vitally important to take care to maintain safe telephone and internet contact with others during this period of restrictions associated with the epidemic state. This is especially true for people who live alone or have been quarantined. In this way, we also take care of ourselves.

In addition to fear and anxiety, many people have developed sleep problems: difficulty falling asleep, shallow and interrupted sleep, waking up during the night, waking up early in the morning unable to sleep.

Important! Trouble sleeping is a sign that you may be under excessive stress. A specialist should be consulted. If left untreated, the condition can trigger the development of various disorders.

How to protect your mental health?

The main Polish government website - - has published 10 tips on how to protect mental health.

  1. Don't let an excess of information worsen your mood.
  2. Take care to maintain social contacts in a safe way.
  3. Engage in physical activity that is safe for you and others every day for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Take care of your physical health - eat properly, get enough sleep.
  5. If you are staying at home, plan how to spend your isolation time.
  6. Try to keep a regular schedule.
  7. Keep yourself safe when you need to leave the house.
  8. Avoid coping with stress with alcohol and other stimulants.
  9. Consider whether any of your relatives or neighbours need help.
  10. Sick people and those waiting for test results or in quarantine need special care and attention.


According to experts, it is important to try to cope with stress in the same way we dealt with it before the pandemic. Each of us has developed our own ways of coping with stress and this should not be forgotten. When we feel that the situation is overwhelming us, we should not be afraid to ask for help from a psychologist.